Do You Brunch? – IOTW Report

Do You Brunch?

People Who Take Brunch Too Seriously

15 Comments on Do You Brunch?

  1. Brunch is fun. Lots of breakfast food with some lunch and drinks, to boot!! Ghost and I went to a crazy brunch once on Mackinaw Island at the Grand Hotel (Somewhere In Time fame). It was $80pp!!!!! We had no idea until the bill came. Needless to say, . . . Exactly!!!!

    God Bless us all!

  2. Brunch is my favorite meal! Coffee, eggs, smoked salmon, grits, toast, jam, and champagne! If I’m going to roll two meals into one, I’ma eat everything I love at one sitting and go nowhere afterwards.

    It’s a Southern thing, y’all.

    I couldn’t watch the video on my phone but I take brunch VERY seriously. You should too. Seriously. Add scones if not yet convinced… kippers for full protein and European flavour.

    Right, then, that’s it, I’m going to bed and sleeping in until brunch is served.

  3. I agree with Little Morphin’ Annie. Brunch really is a Southern Thing. Y’all Up North just don’t get it.

    My TexMex wife loves her some Fried Chicken & Waffles drowned with syzurp and butter, swiiled down with lots of Mimosas.

    Me? My brunch isn’t complete unless it has bacon & sausage patties drowned in syzurp, grits with grated smoked Gouda, waffles glopped with Creamed Chipped Beef AND Syzurp (sort of a waffle version of the military Shit On A Shingle), scrambled eggs with Crystal Hot Sauce, prosciutto & provolone rolled up like a blunt, Mimosas….lots of Mimosas, at least one Red Snapper version of a Bloody Mary loaded with a pickle spear, pickled Okra, olives speared with a toothpick, a teaspoon of homemade horseradish, a teaspoon of Cajun Spice and a shitload of Crystal Hot Sauce.

    There, it just about covers it. When we waddle out da Lake House on Lakefront Road in Old Mandeville after brunch, were like Mr & Mrs Creosote.
    “Hey, y’all wanna waffer-theen mint?”
    “Aww bugger off, we’re full!”

  4. This then is why I have to circle back on the weekends because the computer at work blocks BOOB TUBE.

    One of his better ones…

    And sometimes explains the comments…

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