DOE Issues Rules to Take Incandescent Light Bulbs Away (Again) – IOTW Report

DOE Issues Rules to Take Incandescent Light Bulbs Away (Again)

Yahoo! News

The Department of Energy instituted two new rules Monday that will require manufacturers to sell only energy-efficient lightbulbs, such as compact fluorescent and LED bulbs.

The DOE said the move will save consumers money on their electricity bills, and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that contribute to climate change. It will also spell the end for incandescent bulbs, which were championed by former President Donald Trump. More

42 Comments on DOE Issues Rules to Take Incandescent Light Bulbs Away (Again)

  1. In cold weather, incandescent light bulbs act like a bit of Zone Control in the home.
    When you are in a room with a few of them, they obviously add a little bit of extra heat that allows you to keep your furnace 1 or 2 degrees cooler.

    I use them in my Basement man Cave esp. in the winter.

  2. Having used enough of these “efficient” lightbulbs I can assure you that they only serve to efficiently take money out of your wallet.

    Besides the wierd light from florescents of all types, I don’t want any mercury in my environment.

    LEDs are mostly half-assed attempts to mimic bulb geometries, but the light patterns aren’t there.

    Also, who is going to pay to update fixtures that don’t have replacements? And those will be free, right?


  3. Somebody show me which Article of the Constitution authorizes the Fed Gov to do that?
    My copy doesn’t mention light bulbs, at all!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What about those incandescent bulbs at the $1.25 stores?? They’re not made in the US??? LED light is terrible when working in the daytime on your car outside. The light is in the wrong wavelength for my old eyes. Also a 100 watt bulb will keep you from freezing in the winter. And one under the floor in the dog house will keep the dog alive as well. They just aren’t happy. Lets turn off the AC in Federal buildings and save energy.

  5. Ive noticed that incandescents last a much shorter time than they used to. I’ll bet our masters had the Chinee engineers add a little air to the bulb so they burn out in no more than two months in order to “nudge” the sheep (us) to LEDs.

  6. There was a weird few minutes a day ago when a talk radio host was interviewing someone supposedly knowledgeable on this subject. While she was claiming to be, and introduced as, being against ridding the world of incandescent bulbs, she kept referring to coiled florescent bulbs as incandescent in her diatribe. I kept expecting a correction but she did it over and over. I can’t help but think it was all just a fabricated rant after a few minutes.

    WTH !

    Even though I definitely have a need for a few versions of incandescent bulbs, I switched to the coiled florescent back in the late 90s and saw a great reduction in my electric bill. Well worth the 6-7 dollar per bulb price at the time.

    Now-a-days I buy the LED versions at a less expensive price for my regular bulb needs. Still definitely worth it, IMO.

    But I have an outdoor cat I use a heat lamp bulb to keep her part of my front porch warmer during the coldest days of Winter. She refuses to spend any time indoors no matter what the temperature is – 110 in Summer or 2 degrees in Winter. She doesn’t care for walls. I named her Ninja Kitty. She’s deadly with local vermin and dressed in all black. She adopted me and I try my best to meet her needs.

    So, if you take away my ability to radiate her area in the coldest part of the year – we are going to have a problem with my attitude towards these bulb Nazis. They are very stupid when it comes to complete understanding of reality, IMO.

  7. …and I further move that all electricity be cut off: computers, copiers, telephones, etc.

    If the Second Amendment is about muskets, then government is about quill pens, ink pots, parchment, and multi-day horseback trips to and from home.

  8. We can’t have incandescent bulbs because it generates greenhouse gasses to make the electricity to light them, but they want us to get electric cars to save us from greenhouse gasses.

  9. The LEDs have essentially replaced all standard light bulbs in stores.
    If you use specialty bulbs in any of your fixtures, appliances, etc. guy buy some now because the manufacturers are not set up to replace them with LEDs yet.
    I stocked up on incandescent bulbs back in 2010 and still have about a decade’s worth left. I never bought any fluorescents, but I have bought a few LEDs to see which brand I like. You can’t find any inside flood lamp incandescent bulbs anymore.

  10. @ Jethro: same here. Years ago Kroger grocery store sold incans for $1 per box of four. Bought some everytime I was there. I’m 68 so I’ll never see me running out of them. Even when a 3 way burns out in my house I keep it because at least 1 wattage out of 3 still works.

  11. I too have about a 10 year supply of incandescents. I have a smattering of LED’s. The CFL’s contain mercury, so you’re not supposed to throw then away. If you break one you’re supposed to turn off the HVAC, shut the door to the room in which it was broken, and open the window for about 20 minutes. Like that’s gonna happen in George Floyd country in the winter. Or any season for that matter. It’s Friday night and you’re stoned. Junior breaks a lamp in his room while it’s zero degrees outside. Nobody deals with it correctly, and BOOM junior’s IQ goes down enough points he’s a Democrat for life. All part of the plan.

  12. Yeah, the LED’s last several thousand hours but they don’t outlast the cheap Chinese electronics that drive them. Could have inexpensive incandescent bulbs lasting years instead of Chinese electronics smoking in my lamp sockets at 500 hours. Hazardous waste now instead of regular garbage.

  13. Mercury was discovered because it was oozing up out of the ground. Initially, everyone died. Then some schmuck said, “Hey, wait a minute! This stuff’s not so bad! Let’s make thermometers and light bulbs out of it!” Then, everyone died again and the politicians lived happily ever after.

  14. Every single 20+ year LED I’ve bought has died within 3 to 4 years. It’s a fucking scam. In particular LEDs that are used for the advertised 4 hours per day. There are a couple lights I turn on every single evening and I figured, eh, LEDs would be perfect for that application. NOPE. Whatever money is saved on electricity is wasted on LEDs short life and high cost.

    I don’t think there is that much electricity saved anyhow. Another scam is saying a 7 watt LED is the same as a 60 watt incandescent. So you assume 53 watts is saved. But how much electricity is wasted converting AC to DC to power the bulb? That transformer sucks power that’s not advertised. The bulb base where the transformer is housed sure does get hot.

    leave it to the commies.

  15. It’s the only task the aholes can handle. And they probably still get cuts

    It’s their, “Let them eat cake”, moment. The economy is tanking, the politicians are like drunk sailors on a runaway rum cargo ship, but a hole will handle lighting.

  16. The House moved to those “alternate” tubes some 20 years ago and they had to be disposed of as “hazardous waste!”
    About a 1000% increase in disposal costs.
    What a crock of bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  17. ABC went to LEDs and not only was the initial outlay on the LEDs themselves horrific — the work they had to do (money) to the 277 transformers to make the LEDs not flicker was fucking silly.

    I don’t have the specific numbers, but easily over a million dollars to replace lamps that worked.

  18. Geesh, you can run a 100W bulb all day with 2.4kWh of juice. If you’re paying 10cents per kWh then 24 cents. I usually run 60W incandescents, so 15 cents for all day. If you’re burning 1000W floodlights, that’s different. Of course practically all that energy running incandescent is wasted as heat. Oh yeah, the CFLs don’t last as long if you turn them on and off a lot.

  19. I had a compact fluorescent bulb in my front porch light that caught fire & burned up the fixture & a bulb from the same batch on top of a terrarium burned up & caught the cover on fire. I don’t use that crap in my house anymore.

  20. We have 100 100 watt bulbs in the attic 50 60 watt bulbs also.
    If you use dimmers on your fixtures the bulbs will last a long time. Less heat.
    There is no need to have your lights turned up on full power all the time, it hurts your eyes.
    We put in a lighting system that that most people do not know about to controls the main floor and our basement
    Lutron Grifik eye.
    3 switches to control the lights at each entry point 6 zones in the kitchen with dimmers or full on light it works great.
    Most kitchens have a full bank of switches sometimes with a gang of 4,5 ,or 6 switches at each entry point in a row and who know which one to turn on,or a front door with 5 switches that have to be marked.
    Unless you know what bulb to buy for replacement in any existing fixture. Stay with 2700 Kelvin warm light.

  21. wtf???? … if I want to pay for higher incandescent wattage, what business is it of the gubmint’s? the only concern is between me & my power provider to pay for what I contracted for!

    even though most of my illumination is now provided by LED, & my bill has been brought down, my power provider is becoming a royal pain in the ass because they remind me … EVERY MONTH!!! … that I use 30% more electricity than my next-door neighbor!
    (btw, my power company is an electrical co-op that buys power from other utilities)

    my ‘next-door neighbor’, the next parcel over, is a widow that has no tv, does not cook (due to her cognitive decline & her fear of burning the house down, thank the Lord) keeps her heat at 65 & does not run her air conditioning. she sits in her house & listens to the radio, goes to bed when the sun goes down & relies on my charity to bring her groceries.

    … of course, she uses less electricity, you f’ing Nazis!

  22. I went to anthracite in a cannon heater the second year I was on MO. The prices of LP my first year were extravagant. I had to do the math on the coal, the heater, the black pipe, the triple wall, the backboard, the floor protector. I was wrong about all my math. I broke even the first year.

    But I did do all the work myself. We all kind of forget what we don’t spend when do our own work.

  23. Deplorable Second Class,

    That’s the head fake they want to sell you.

    It has zero to do with climate, just the global cabals excuse to control every aspect of your daily existence.

    You will have nothing, and you will like it…

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