Does parasitic worm spit contain the key to healing? – IOTW Report

Does parasitic worm spit contain the key to healing?

Um, yeah, you go first.

USA Today:

Researchers claim a molecule found in the spit of a parasitic worm can bolster the healing process for diabetics, the elderly and smokers with lingering wounds.

A team of scientists from the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine discovered the molecule granulin, found in the saliva of a parasitic liver fluke in Southeast Asia, can “supercharge” healing. They hope more testing will produce an advanced healing cream for patients.

The team came across the molecule and its power while attempting to create a vaccine for a liver cancer caused by the worm.

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8 Comments on Does parasitic worm spit contain the key to healing?

  1. Parasitic Worm Spit … sorta like Pelosi’s Drool?
    Or being in front of Franken while he speaks?
    Schmuckles the Klown’s tears and snot show?

    izlamo delenda est …

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