Does the Cheat Have Enough Reach? – IOTW Report

Does the Cheat Have Enough Reach?


In this recent interview Clyburn talks about how he views the state contests and the expanding electoral map he needs.  If you know the game, if you truly understand how the ballot collection game is played, then you understand Clyburn is hedging his AME bets because he has to.

Clyburn’s strength is also his weakness, his five states, 17 regions and roughly 100 precincts, are now in the spotlight for intercepting ballot fraud.  You can tell he is a little twitchy about it, that’s why he is talking about Georgia, Ohio and Florida.  If Clyburn was confident in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Nevada, he would not be mentioning any other state.   He’s not confident. More

8 Comments on Does the Cheat Have Enough Reach?

  1. It doesn’t matter. We will see the most outrageous attempt at voter fraud that has ever been attempted in a so called free and constitutional republic. The shit hasn’t hit the fan yet.

  2. The reach AND the grip. They’re not letting go. And they don’t care if we know. Hell, they want us to know. They tried to kill Trump on live TV. WTF was CNN doing in Butler, PA at a Trump rally? They always avoid these things like the plague.

    Back to Clyburn…He knows something. Maybe just rumors, maybe more. But he blurts because he’s trying to get out in front of what might be coming next. The gaslighting is going to be blinding, more than we’ve ever seen.

    They’re going to try to kill Trump again, and the election theft attempt this year will probably cripple the country, even if it fails, Trump survives and he wins. Buckle up.

  3. Of course they’re going to cheat. Pelosi has already said there’s no way they’re going to let Trump to set foot in the White House again. I firmly believe she’s the one who gave the order to allow Crooks to take his shot before they eliminated him. Believe they will stop at nothing to leep the power they’ve stolen.

  4. We have allowed this. We were at work providing for our people while they were at the meetings and stirring up trouble. We were TOLERANT of the vanilla queers with their sniveling for the right to publicly sodomize one another. We allowed that taboo to be broken with no back up. Thus we have a sexual deviant in the White House and another running on the democrat side, perverts by the tens of scores in political office nation wide, and the formal attempt to groom our children to sexual deviance IN OUR SCHOOLS! We REALLY screwed the pooch here, fellow normal people, and we have much unpleasant work to do fixing this mess.


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