DOJ Demands Special Master Not Handle Declassified Documents They “Define” As Classified – IOTW Report

DOJ Demands Special Master Not Handle Declassified Documents They “Define” As Classified


Late yesterday the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) filed another motion in federal court urging Judge Cannon not to allow the special master to review documents they alone determine to be “classified.”  [pdf of motion Here]

The DOJ-NSD, officially the Trump targeting division, is frantic that an outside reviewer would be granted access to oversee the DOJ/IC unilateral determinations of the documents, even if…. [watch the goal posts moving now]…  those documents were previously declassified by President Trump.

11 Comments on DOJ Demands Special Master Not Handle Declassified Documents They “Define” As Classified

  1. How’s about letting the USAG recently found to be dangling his wingwang handle them? I doubt he’d schmutz them up more than a court appointed “special master”. They’re all corrupt sleaze bags above the law anyway.

  2. Playing like 5-year olds…my rules, changed midway through to process, so long as changes benefit them, at risk of their throwing a temper tantrum.

    Temper tantrum with guns.


  3. if they can’t be reviewed, the allegations of their being illegally possessed can’t be defended against in a court of law.
    Short and simple- if the contents are not reviewed and verified, the nature of their content is based on heresay.
    They want to say they won this hand of cards, but won’t show what they got.
    that ain’t how it works
    justice may be blind, but I’m not

  4. The DOJ can’t allow its perfidies to see the light of day – and certainly not the light of “Justice.”

    They are continuing to hide their criminalities and deceits.
    Which actually makes sense, considering the fact that the DOJ is a hotbed of Treason.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. isn’t the reason a ‘Special Master’ is to be appointed because it needs to be determined by a neutral party (if there is such a critter in Camp Swampy) whether or not Trump violated the law by possession the re-re-classified documents?

    am I missing something here? …. particularly the ‘Justice’ part?

  6. “Late yesterday the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) filed another motion in federal court urging Judge Cannon not to allow the special master to review documents they alone determine to be “classified.””

    They’re either classified, or they’re not. It’s really not a matter of one’s own interpretation.


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