DOJ Goes After FBI Informant Who Blew Whistle on Biden Corruption – IOTW Report

DOJ Goes After FBI Informant Who Blew Whistle on Biden Corruption


Beyond the big picture of the Biden justice department filing a criminal indictment against the man who provided the FBI with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with the FBI, is the secondary point of the Biden DOJ once again using FARA violations as the tip of the spear against their targets.

Last week Dr. Gal Luft went public with statements about who, when, how and why he informed the FBI and DOJ of Joe and Hunter Biden taking payments from companies associated with the Chinese Communist Party. [link]  Today, Joe Biden’s DOJ filed criminal charges against Dr. Luft More

12 Comments on DOJ Goes After FBI Informant Who Blew Whistle on Biden Corruption

  1. I’m surprised Dr. Luft is still alive. When he disappeared from Cyprus I figured he’d never be seen again. Maybe Putin is protecting him, and saving him for when it’s most advantageous to him.

  2. Typical DOJ move.
    If knowledgeable and credible whistleblowers come forward with evidence the DOJ attorneys will destroy them financially and destroy their character.

    The DOJ is weaponized against the Constitutional Rights of witnesses who have testimony regarding the criminal activity of the Biden Crime Syndicate.

  3. DOJ – making the GESTAPO and KGB proud!
    Gonna turn it over to Judge Roland Freisler?
    Or the FISA “judge” who conspired with the lying FBI?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. And them damn pesky laws, I only like em & need em when they don’t apply or get us in trouble & only go after them. Next time don’t believe your neighbor”hood” criminal for intel.

  5. Of course they will..
    Keep your guns and buy more ammo.

    Reminder – buy guns for the family members that don’t know they’ll need them yet. Pistol caliber carbines are noob friendly. Just saying.

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