Donald Trump Painting Valued at 1 Million Dollars – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Painting Valued at 1 Million Dollars

C’mon.33487AFD00000578-3545115-image-a-10_1460946669916 Ilma Gore’s painting of a small dick Trump is valued at 1 million dollars.


Uncensored after read more—-> NSFW


I’m going to do Big Dick Michelle. Let’s see what that’s valued at.

I will post it later. It will be a private post. The password will be schlonged.

27 Comments on Donald Trump Painting Valued at 1 Million Dollars

  1. If true, I’d recommend DJT buy the lightly-used one that Bruce Jenner is getting chopped off. It might be a good incentive, because E! [rection] is said to be pressuring him/her to go all the way, or face I AM CAIT cancellation.

  2. Ann, they don’t “chop it off”…they slice it lengthwise like a deli pickle and tuck it all inside for “retained sensitivity.”

    E! is pressuring Cait to date men. Ratings, you know. 😉

  3. Trump sort of asked for this with his reaction to Rubio’s baiting him about the small fingers comment. Trump claimed not to know what Rubio was alluding to, despite having a long, on going, back and forth on the short fingers inference with the editor of “Vanity Fair.” Trump took the bait, and this led to the crass moment in the debate when he made sure we all knew he was well endowed in the Love Tackle department. If the stakes weren’t so high in this election, it would be hilarious to witness this grade school deportment. One thing is certain, Trump won’t sue the artist, because his penis will be Exhibit A in the lawsuit!

  4. She is an artiste all right.

    Ilma Gore, the 22-year-old behind the “Tattoo Me” Kickstarter offering to tattoo your name on her body for just $10, successfully raised over $11,000 in the few days that her crowd funding project was live, quickly surpassing her set goal of $6,000. Unfortunately, before the funding time period ended, Kickstarter suspended the project seemingly putting “Tattoo Me” on hold. However, Gore was quick to act and launched a new “Tattoo Me” through Now, four days into the project, Gore has raised over $8,500, again surpassing her initial goal. It looks like a lot of people are eager to have their names tattooed on Gore, whether out of intrigue or for the sake of the art project itself. If this crowd fund stays active, we will soon get a chance to check out all of the names of the backers helping to make Gore’s project possible.

    Smells like the desperation of one who cannot work for a living.
    Bless her heart.

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