Donald Trump Presents Medal of Honor to Vietnam War Veteran James C. McCloughan – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Presents Medal of Honor to Vietnam War Veteran James C. McCloughan

Breitbart- WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump presented the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan of the U.S. Army “for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War.”


Trump recounted the 48 hours that “hero” McCloughan endured that merited issuing him the highest military honor. In the audience were eight previous Medal of Honor recipients.

For 48 hours on May 13 to 15, 1969, McCloughan was engaged in “close-combat fighting against enemy forces near Don Que, Vietnam” according to the White House. “McCloughan was serving with Company C, 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 196th Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, as a private first class combat medic.”

Trump detailed the honorable actions of McCloughan, who joined a mission to advance toward the enemy and as he cared for two soldiers, shrapnel slashed him open. The terrible injuries McCloughan endured did not stop him from continuing his work and coming to the aid of yet another.

Trump went on to describe when McCloughan refused to be evacuated, “As Jim now says, I would have rather died on the battlefield than know that men died because they did not have a medic.” McCloughan went nearly two days with “no food, no water and no rest,” and volunteered to hold a blinking signal in an open field for a supply drop.  more here

9 Comments on Donald Trump Presents Medal of Honor to Vietnam War Veteran James C. McCloughan

  1. And just why in the HELL did this not happen during Obama’s watch?

    Oh, that’s right – he loathes our wonderful military.

    F Obama may be on my tombstone.

  2. I reckon Mr McLoughan is happy that he received his Medal Of Honor from a real American leader instead of a born-in-Kenya America-hating asshole

  3. Medal of Honor winners are paid $ 100.00 a month tax free pension. He is due some back pay. The award is more meaningful coming from a real President instead of a fake one.

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