Donald Trump – “when you elect me President we’ll all be saying…” – IOTW Report

Donald Trump – “when you elect me President we’ll all be saying…”

“… MERRY CHRISTMAS to each other again.”

WATCH Live: Donald Trump Speech/Rally in Springfield, IL (11-9-15)

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28 Comments on Donald Trump – “when you elect me President we’ll all be saying…”

  1. I can’t understand any lover of the 1st Amendment not being extremely happy about something that is easy to mock — like the simple ability to say “Merry Christmas.” There is a holiday in December called Christmas, celebrated by Christians as one of the highest holy days in all Christendom. And, believe it or not, there are a lot of secularists who like the holiday, too. Many of them cannot appreciate the giver of our rights, but they benefit from the fact that they exist.

    Our very being as a nation is owed to natural, unalienable rights — bestowed by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And Christmas is the celebration of His only begotten son’s birth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is the promise of redemption, justification and salvation born as a New Covenant that whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life and not be the slave of any man. We worship God and his Son and are grateful for a nation that recognizes that our rights come not from man, but from Him.

    “Merry Christmas” affirms this. It is essential to our nation.

  2. The Christmas display in the Trump White House would no doubt be spectacular…and I’ll watch the show on HGTV again when the WH decorators and bakers set it all up over a weekend.

    I quit watching after the Frumps moved in.

  3. He also plans to repeal Obamacare, the IRS and balance the budget.

    Honestly, I like Carson, he is not my front runner, but stepping back and saying he is worthless because the media destroyed him is intolerable to me. Anyone that takes that attitude simply wants to be the last one eaten by the alligator rather than killing the alligator when you have the numbers to do it.

  4. If Carson gets his way for a Puerto Rico state – you can kiss the Senate control goodbye for good. Why would you want to make another welfare state a state?
    Carson is the 2015 Herman Cain Fad candidate.
    Trump is the only real candidate (the money, name brand and Conservative principles) that has a shot at winning the Presidency.

  5. Puerto Rico is like adding another Cook County/Chicago to the rolls. With none of the white charm.

    Shit, even Mexicans don’t even like PR’s.

    Imagine a whole state, full to the yellow and missing teeth of loudmouth Luis Gutierrez types, bringing crippling amounts of debt and dumbassedness and wontshutthefuckupedness to the national scene!


    fuck that!

    And fuck Ben Carson for wanting it! The more I see him, the more convinced I am that here’s a brother who needs a fucking drink and a steak!

    He’s out of his gourd!

  6. Well, like I said, Carson ain’t my dude, so unless he gets the nom, I ain’t votin’ for him. And if for some strange reason he becomes Prezzy 45, he can’t make Puerto Rico a State, savvy? We have this thing called “Congress”. No matter who gets there, they have to deal with the 535 members of Congress weather they like it or not. If that ain’t to their likin’, the 9 folks in black robes get a chance to weigh in. Ifin’ they decide to ignore all that, then the 2A kicks in. So, what I’ma sayin’ here is, Trump can’t do the shit he is promisin’ unless he becomes Dicktator In Cheif. Are you wantin’ a Dicktator or do you want somebody that knows and understands the Constitution and vows to follow it’s every word?

  7. @Chiefillnicake,

    “The more I see him, the more convinced I am that here’s a brother who needs a fucking drink and a steak!

    He’s out of his gourd!”

    (I can see that the Trump influence has affected your communication style, too. Soon we will be a nation of conservatives with unfettered un-pc-ness.)

    I gotta say, though, that it’s kinda hard to feel as stirred up about Carson as you are trying to get across because I’m laughing too hard! Good show, you! The acerbic political commentary on this site never disappoints.

  8. When I was in my early twenties I had a boss that called me in and said “We have a problem, you are intimidating the rest of the employees.” Well I stared him down until he apologized. Your bull shit name says it all. I’m voting for. Cruz because so many people here deserve Hillary.

  9. Did anyone notice a blonde woman sitting in the audience behind Trump — to the left and up about 3-4 rows? From the time he entered the podium until the time he left she just sat there the whole time looking bored and irritated. I wondered after a while if she was an opposition plant sent there to do just that, sort of like the picture of the woman who was yawning and falling asleep at Jeb!’s speech. They’ve hit Trump with everything to no avail.

  10. As I’ve frequently said to Geoff C. The Saltine, one could take any combination of commenters on this site and do a pretty good Broadway Show. You’re the tops!

    (And I’m really not kidding about a play or film. I’m not very hip on what films have been made, but I don’t think anything has featured a motley crew of people who have fought, shared/bared their souls, cried and comforted each other and dis-membered interlopers and bad pols. I think such entertainment would be very appealing and hilarious to the general public. Something with a snappy title like, “I Own The World.”) 😉

  11. I’ve sprinkled some brain droppings on other blogs.


    They suck compared to IOTW. The Merry Band of Miscreants, Motormouths, Misanthropes, and Malcontents here is pretty damn good.

    Pretty damn good.

    Plus, we get to work blue. I can’t stress enough, in the Age of Obama, the “F” bomb is a vital ingredient.

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