Donald Trump’s Bodyguard Has Fake Arms is TRENDING – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s Bodyguard Has Fake Arms is TRENDING

Okay, I’m excusing illustr8r because she’s had a cold and she’s all goofed up on Nyquil.

She sent me this (which is apparently going viral), and I must admit, in the limited clip the guy’s arms and hands look strange. When you’re prompted to look for fake hands, they look fake.

But there is no way on earth they are fake. It makes no sense.

One person theorized that his real arms are under his jacket holding a machine gun.

Uhhh. No. He would simply walk with the coat over a shoulder and the arm pointing down holding the firearm. Why complicate it with fake arms dangling in the way of a closed overcoat?

Here’s the full clip. The guys arms are real.

File this under fake arms news.

31 Comments on Donald Trump’s Bodyguard Has Fake Arms is TRENDING

  1. Left hand has the mike button.

    Right hand is poised for the….uzi, AK, AR, 40 watt phased plasma pistol.

    Dude was ready to drop anything.

    I can respect that, well trained.

  2. He’s holding his hands in a “ready” posture of some kind, probably to grab whatever weapons he has under his coat. If you watch more of the video, you can see several other body gards holding their hands in the same posture.

  3. If you watch a longer version of the family walking you’ll see a female agent walking in the “hands ready” pose. These agents are not out enjoying a stroll down the boulevard with Mogul and Muse.

  4. What bullshit.
    Some people just have too much free time.
    If you look at the part where they get into the vehicle, once they’ve boarded, there are at least ten SS guys surrounding it, and MOST of them have their hands in that “ready” position.
    For good reason.

  5. I reckon these SS agents are ecstatic that they finally have a POTUS worth guarding and throwing their down their lives for after 8 long years of having to put up with that Filthy Mohammedan Savage usurping our White House

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