Don’t Fall for Their Stupid Tricks – IOTW Report

Don’t Fall for Their Stupid Tricks

The Biden Administration is absolutely desperate to get more money to Ukraine and they’re willing to use the defense of Israel to do it. Right now, the new House speaker is squaring off against minority leader Mitch McConnell over funding Ukraine, that’s how much the Washington establishment wants to keep that fight going there. Here

Anthony Blinken hasn’t given up tying funding for Israel with even more funding going to Ukraine. Here

But they know that we, the people, don’t like these omnibus type bills that hide a lot of garbage we don’t want tax money funding. So, how to push public to back their preferred conflict?

Remember that incident in Russia where an airliner from Tel Aviv landed in Muslim majority Dagestan and a mob descended on the airport hunting for Jews? Certainly, the media wanted you to pay attention to this story Here and Here. We hung back and watched, the whole thing seemed weird. Why would anybody from Israel want to go to Dagestan and why would there be so many clamoring to go there that there’d by a direct flight?

Looks like the whole thing was a set up by western intel to associate Ukraine with Israel by trying to con us think Putin is just like Hamas and clear the path for opening the money spigot back up for Kiev. Here

15 Comments on Don’t Fall for Their Stupid Tricks

  1. We seem to be missing the “motivation” category biggly. How about, money, power, blackmail. Zeleinsky knows better than anyone what a total piece of useless shit Biden is, and always has been. And there’s a damn good chance he has the good on Obama too.

  2. Is an ongoing sucker play. Don’t fall for a goddamn word of it. Nothing but an unabashed raid on the tax payers.

    That ain’t our circus and those aren’t our monkeys. There is a lot to be said for minding your own business and staying out of other people’s fight.

  3. Zelensky said back in 2022 that he wanted to turn Ukraine int a “Big Israel”, but it’s starting to look like Israel is turning into a Little Ukraine. I don’t think we should be sending money to either one of them, because it doesn’t seem to be doing any good at all.

  4. If Putin is Hamas, wouldn’t that make leftards Putin sympathizers (after accusing anyone on the right of being Putin sympathizers simply by asking for financial accountability of Ukraine bucks) since they are currently hamas sympathizers?

  5. Brad, US debt is set to increase something like 2.5 trillion in the current quarter and first half of 2024, 9 months total. Where in the hell is all that money going? I feel like most of the money going out to Ukraine nonsense isn’t being disclosed. Debt has gone parabolic. All we need now is another war/humanitarian crisis that we “can’t afford” to NOT get involved in. I think Joe is skimming more than 10% in his octogenarian years.


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