Don’t Leave Without Me! – IOTW Report

Don’t Leave Without Me!

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16 Comments on Don’t Leave Without Me!

  1. So cute, Claudia. Thank you. Our pups definitely give us “that look” when we are heading for the door. It is the only time they will sit together in one dog bed. And they just stare at us, as if to say, “But why? Why? How could you?”

  2. Jethro, I have a picture of my Siamese cat sitting in my suitcase in the trunk of my car. I was heading back to college and had to put in a few more things before I left. I came up to the car with a handful of things, and there she was. Broke my heart.

    Took her back into the house, fried up some chicken (her favorite) and left when she was chowing down. *Sniff*

  3. Every time my husband would have to travel for work, our dog would try to sneak her blanket into his open luggage. Every day he was gone, she would take her place by his chair at the table and stay there most of the day. Around the time he would usually get home from work, she would park herself in front of the window by the front door anticipating his return. At night while he was gone, she would sleep in front of the door so she’d be the first one to greet him when he finally returned. I really miss that little girl.

  4. That hits me hard today. I had to leave Penny with friends for two overnighters while I attended an industry convention in Nashville this weekend. She was awfully glad to see me.
    Wonderful compilation, Claudia! Thank you.

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