#LondonBridge terrorist #UsmanKhan saying in 2008 that putting lables like "terrorist" on people who look and dress like him is ridiculous
— BasedPoland (@BasedPoland) November 30, 2019
"I've been born and bred in England, I ain't no terrorist"🤔 pic.twitter.com/hLlL0Oa7pm
ht/ hot salsa
“I’ve been born and bred in England, I ain’t no terrorist”
“I ain’t no terrorist”
Not yet…
Larry David produced that???
islam=terrorism, always has, always will. There is no cure for it other than to confine it to a small part of the World and not let it out.
Maybe Rep Swalwell could send some neutron bombs there, you know, like the ones he would use on us.
““I’ve been born and bred in England,”
“I’ve been born and inbred in England,”
There. Fixed it for ya ya dead bastid.
“Coming to America” sung to the
beat of that funny Eddie Murphy movie
about an African Prince wife hunting in
the USA.
doesn’t ‘Don’t put no labels on people … ‘
… which translates into English as … ‘Put labels on people … ‘
I’m good with that
Prince Andrew was born and bred in England. Bill clinton was born and bred in the US.
Both are pedophiles who did much more damage to young women than the moron stabber British cops shot on London Bridge. Bill clinton’s damage was FAR, FAR worse – and whatever damage bill clinton did, it was enabled and covered up by that scumbag hillary clinton.
“I’m No Terrorists”
Are you a Mooslem? Yes? move onto question numero two. Do you believe in the Koran? Yes? Than you’re a damn terrorists, and my enemy. In the states, I’ll shoot you in the face.
Taqiyya, moslem religiously sanctioned lying
double negative.
Might as well get out the Dymo label maker and label away cuz you are simply NOT going to un-wire that tangled mess in an iSlamic brain! If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a muzlim mallard!
“I ain’t no terrorist.”
Double negative. In proper English… “I’m a terrorist.” He said it right out in the open and people are too stupid (thanks to public education) to even realize it!