Don’t Try and Stump the Trump – IOTW Report

Don’t Try and Stump the Trump

When Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago, the grand mansion and estate in Palm Beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city fathers who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations.
Trump put up a 50-foot flag pole even though 30 feet is the maximum allowed. The city imposed a $1,000 per day fine while Trump and city officials argued back and fourth. Finally, when the fine had reached a total of $120,000 Trump proposed a solution.

He would donate that amount to veteran’s organizations, would move the flag to a different spot in front of the mansion, and would only use a 30 foot flagpole.
The city agreed. So Trump brought in the company that does his golf course construction, had them build a 20-foot high grassy hill, and put the 30-foot flag pole on top of that.
Now, would you rather have Trump negotiating an Iranian deal, or Hillary???


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14 Comments on Don’t Try and Stump the Trump

  1. I wish he had bought the Twin Towers and built them back. Exactly as they were except with a giant middle finger atop of each directed right at Mecca.

    It would have been done in six months.

  2. Trump would have then strung a cable between the towers and tight-rope walked across wearing Rocky’s red-white-&-blue boxing trunks while eating a pork-chop and drawing a nasty image cartoon Mohammad, and telling Rosie to go fuck herself in that gigantic corpulent ass, all the while pissing on 0bama as he looked on from down below, as the Feds wrapped Hillary in an orange jump suit and took her to Rikers Island…

  3. On a similar note, I just read an article this week about how Trump sent the city council the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” as part of his war on the antisemitism practiced by competing Palm Springs private clubs.

    “…Abe Foxman, the longtime head of the Anti-Defamation League, says, in part, the following:

    Mr. Trump also has resorted to the courts to secure his foothold here, and many residents wince at the attention his legal battles with the town have drawn — to the town in general, and to the admission practices at some of Palm Beach’s older clubs in particular.

    …The culture clash began to approach a climax last fall, when Mr. Trump’s lawyer sent members of the town council a copy of the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper-class racism. Mr. Trump then approached the town council about lifting the restrictions that had been placed on the club. He also asked some council members not to vote on the request because their membership in other clubs created a conflict of interest.

    Last December, after the council refused to lift the restrictions, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages.

    … Mr. Foxman seems pleased that Mr. Trump has elevated the issue of discriminatory policies at social clubs. “He put the light on Palm Beach,” Mr. Foxman says. “Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.””

    This was originally published by the WSJ in 1997, but here’s the story I read in The American Spectator:

  4. Whenever anyone in The People’s Republic of New York says, “Oh, but Donald Trump is an egocentric asshole, I just tell ’em, “I have two words for you:


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