Doocy Grills Jean-Pierre Over Why Majority of Americans Think Nation ‘On The Wrong Track’ – IOTW Report

Doocy Grills Jean-Pierre Over Why Majority of Americans Think Nation ‘On The Wrong Track’

“Why do you think it is that 88 percent of people in this country polled by Monmouth think the country is on the wrong track?” Doocy asked.

PM: A new poll from Monmouth University surveyed Americans on their perceptions of the Biden administration and the current state of affairs. It found that nearly 90 percent of Americans think the country is “on the wrong track.”

During a press briefing on Thursday, FOX News White House correspondent Peter Doocy grilled Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the poll’s findings.

“Why do you think it is that 88 percent of people in this country polled by Monmouth think the country is on the wrong track?” Doocy asked.

“I’ll say this,” Jean-Pierre replied, “the president understands what the American people are going through.”

She stated that Biden understands the people’s frustrations with high gas prices, and proceeded to blame it on “Putin’s tax hike,” and the war in Ukraine.

“The food cost has skyrocketed,” she continued, “and that’s why the president has done everything that he can to blunt those high prices.”

“That’s why he’s tapped into the strategic petroleum reserve … that’s why he’s doing the home-grown bio-fuels, the Ethanol-15, making that available this summer.”

“We have a plan,” Jean-Pierre stated, before launching into an unprovoked attack on Republicans. more here

14 Comments on Doocy Grills Jean-Pierre Over Why Majority of Americans Think Nation ‘On The Wrong Track’

  1. It’s tough to come across as believable when you’re trying to protect an administration that is full of TREASONOUS BASTARDS from top to bottom. How much more of this crap are we going to take?

  2. There is no reason other than treason that we are even touching the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And it certainly was never intended to be sold to our enemies. We are such a pathetic nation right now. Those in power are stealing our freedom and liberty. The media is cheering them on. The opposition party appears to be in on the plan. And law enforcement is arresting the innocent in order to protect the guilty. I’m fed up!

  3. Oh come on man! They are our bestest buds. This has been going on for months. China says they need more, much more, they are having trouble getting it from Russia who is slow in stealing it from the Ukraine. And heck Hunter’s crack habit isn’t cheap.

  4. If the current regime was just a bit smarter, they would see that a constant reminder of the ‘evils’ of Trump and the right actually causes voters to ‘see’ those subjects and wonder if the constant attacks are irrational.

    The left obscures their own ‘causes’ with constant hate.

    When you are blasted by continual ‘bad’ of EVERYTHING, not just from the opposition, there comes a point when you start tuning the drumming out, which allows a real look at the horror show of the Biden-his-time/Harris carny clown show!

    I couldn’t believe it when a die hard democrat, CNN pod neighbor of mine, actually said he is ‘beginning to think Biden is not as promised and the country is being run by someone else.’ I almost stopped breathing!

  5. Fucking retard! Ethanol destroys car engines and you are taking food from people’s mouths to do it. Sorry but God damn it if you are this stupid a retroactive abortion for you.

    Shut down pipelines☑️
    Shut down domestic drilling☑️
    Deplete strategic reserve☑️
    Send strategic reserve to China☑️
    Beg Venizela, OPEC, and Iran to produce more☑️
    Threaten mom and pop fuel stations to lower prices☑️


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