Dope Participates in Fight While Holding Young Daughter in His Arms – IOTW Report

Dope Participates in Fight While Holding Young Daughter in His Arms

This idiot doesn’t walk away from a fight, he pursues it. Then gets his ass sewed to his face. I’ll say one thing about the grungy looking dude, he can take a punch, and a knee and a kick.

It doesn’t look like he ever goes out.

He had to be airlifted away.

Brutal video-

ht/ petrus

18 Comments on Dope Participates in Fight While Holding Young Daughter in His Arms

  1. When you’re with a young child, particularly one in your arms, you should have the instinct to feel imminent danger and you swallow your pride and leave.
    The punchers are scumbags, for sure. But that dad is not going to win father of the year.
    In fact he was handed a misdemeanor charge for his troubles.

  2. Dad holding child.. in a bar.

    Reminds me of being 18 in a Wisconsin bar and seeing a sloppy drunk woman telling everyone what a great mother she is and that she was cheated out of custody.

    Then, as now: I think I see the problem.

  3. Why didn’t he let go of the child?
    Anyway, I like how the wide girl steps in to talk shit, and then when her man starts swinging she’s all “stop” and trying to pull him away. My guess, she and the father of the year got into an argument and the apes around her wanted to impress. Pfft.Y’all deserve each other.

  4. Kicking a man in the face when he is down and not defending himself is something Gene Autry, would frown upon.
    So is going into seedy bars with your daughter.

  5. What third-world country was that?

    Be attacked by 3 guys in Smurf hats?
    Dude prolly din’t believe the shit was really happening.

    That’s why I don’t carry – I’da killed all of em.
    (course I wouldn’ta been there in the first place)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Bad judgment all around. What a great dad he is…..

    And the idiots sucker punching him and then beating him while he’s down….one on five.

    All are idiots.

    Of course, I reserve the right to change my opinion should more evidence emerge later.


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