Dopey Joe Says 5 Years Ago it Was Acceptable To Make Fun of Gays – IOTW Report

Dopey Joe Says 5 Years Ago it Was Acceptable To Make Fun of Gays

I guess he was trying to highlight progress, but where was it acceptable to make fun of gays 5 years ago?

Who, what and where was he referring to? Was he the one secretly making fun of gays?

Biden is the Dope’s Dope. He really just cannot help it. Everything he says is amazingly and agonizingly stupid.

I was speaking with Michelle’s Big Beaver yesterday and I remarked, “if the left somehow manages to win in 2020 I hope the hell it’s Joe Biden. At least there will some entertainment value laced in our decline.”

Way too bittersweet, though.

Trump must win.

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23 Comments on Dopey Joe Says 5 Years Ago it Was Acceptable To Make Fun of Gays

  1. Wait a minute. Hold on. Are you telling me that it is no longer acceptable to make fun of homosexuals? Seriously?
    Oh crap. I hereby withdraw my name for consideration for the democrat nominee for president.

  2. i usually dont make fun of them to their face though one faggot waiter shocked the hell out of me. He sashayed by me just as i turned around. Little kweer with mascara, makeup and dangling earrings. I’m sure the look on my face gave him some kind of thrill. We didnt sit where ‘he’ could serve us.

  3. It’s gone from cracking jokes about queers to this generation fawning over their lifestyle and raising them to an almost religious level of worship.
    Sorry kids but that ain’t something to emulate, get back to the jokes.

  4. I am not allowed to laugh at the bearded, cowboy hat wearing sissy who rides his bike through town in a diaphanous sundress/miniskirt that flies up when he picks up speed? That’s not funny?

    New normal you say?

  5. Screw that.
    How do you get 4 fags to share the same barstool? Turn it upside down.

    Can I be frank with you? No. You were Frank last night. I get to be Frank tonight.

    Did i tell you the one about the gay guy who got fired from the sperm bank for drinking on the job?

    Too many great jokes to give up without a fight.

  6. When the left realizes that Joe Biden was Obama’s assassination won’t happen insurance policy will be the time they realize they should not run Joe against Trump.

    May that day be the first Tuesday in November of 2020.

  7. Speaking of circumcision, I couldn’t walk for a year after mine. Of course I was a week old when it happened.

    And it was free of charge. The rabbi only took tips.

  8. Humans have been making fun of faggots for centuries.
    Re-read Boccaccio’s “Decameron” (c. ~ 1350 AD).

    And will continue to do so until it’s outlawed by the Fascist Totalitarian Socialist Nihilistic Demonrats.

    But fags aren’t funny. They’re sick.

    izlamo delenda est …

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