The way to guarantee the President won’t publish MEAN TWEETS for four years is to elect a dementia riddled incompetent idiot; which we have succeeded in doing.
The leftists will plead dementia at his GITMO trial. Not a bad thing because they will have to admit his puppeteers.
He seems distracted again……Jill, did you check his diapers before he went live?
Jackass Joe!
Nuff sed!
Dad gum dot gub.
Delaware Joe’s gibberish moment #33,256.
dot braincell, SlowJoe. 🥴
Got Gum, dum dum?
The Marxist Swamp – a Ben Garrison Cartoon
The way to guarantee the President won’t publish MEAN TWEETS for four years is to elect a dementia riddled incompetent idiot; which we have succeeded in doing.
The leftists will plead dementia at his GITMO trial. Not a bad thing because they will have to admit his puppeteers.
He seems distracted again……Jill, did you check his diapers before he went live?
Text : Joe30330.gum