Douchenoggin’ of the Year Awards are Crowded This Year – IOTW Report

Douchenoggin’ of the Year Awards are Crowded This Year

With the left it is very hard to narrow down who the biggest dipsh!t is within any one year, but this HuffPoo writer makes a strong case for himself.


“One thing that hasn’t been talked about at all, by either side here, and I think there’s an obvious reason for it, is, Ambassador Stevens was a particular type of ambassador. And I would say this in the best way possible, he was kind of a cowboy. He was somebody who took a lot of risks and he did so knowingly. He wanted the US image in Libya to be one that was fearless and upfront. He would go jogging around Benghazi without any security protection. He was trying to let the local people there know, you know, that he didn’t look at them as enemies. And when you take risks like that, you know, terrible things can happen, and that’s what happened here. But Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to raise that issue, because then it sounds like you’re blaming him for what happened.” – Ryan Grim


This is loathsome on so many levels.

The implication that Ambassador Stevens’ behavior was the equivalent of a hot chick wearing a miniskirt and got what she deserved when the “Libyan animals” raped her is not so progressive, is it? But hey, throw anything against the wall and see if it sticks, just as long as Hillary gets away clean.

I can see the wheels turning on the apparatus. “Hey, blame the dead guy, he’s not around to contradict any story we cobble together.”

The fact that he wrote 600 pleading emails for more security, something that sounds a little “uncowboy-like,” means nothing to this Huffpoo sh!thead.

ht/ Just the tip

17 Comments on Douchenoggin’ of the Year Awards are Crowded This Year

  1. He was trying to let the local people there know, you know, that he didn’t look at them as enemies.

    Wait. What?! Isn’t this EXACTLY what the libtards claim this country should do all the time? Isn’t this their argument for dismantling our military? “If we show everyone we’re their friends, there will be unicorns prancing under rainbows of multiculturalism.”

    Tell me again how well appeasement worked at Munich in 1938?

  2. I take it as a sign of just how worried they are that” the Hillary as brave victim facing down those mean old partisan Republicans” narrative isn’t playing to the rest of the nation.

    Now they have to try to give their libs minions this alternative story to muddy the water up and try to deflect responsibility away from the Former Secretary of State.

    They probably take their cue of just how reprehensible they can be by Obama and Hillary lying to the families of the dead as the coffins are coming off the planes.

    Sociopaths, all of them.

  3. And he was Killary’s personal friend. Important to keep that in the forefront. He was a personal friend of Killary, and she still did nothing – she didn’t provide the support he requested many times and she didn’t answer her 3 am call.

  4. Anyone who receives money from and/or who works for such a corrupt institution as the U.S. Government takes their chances in the karmic chain of events. That goes for entitlement and social welfare recipients, politicians, bureaucrats, military, ambassadors, etc.

  5. I think we need a video of Hillary taking the 3am call and saying, “Ben Gozzi? Didn’t he play Al Capone in a movie? No I don’t want to talk with him, I’m getting my beauty sleep! And stop that yelling about national security. Do you think I care about this nation?”

  6. So was Ambassador Stevens a “cowboy” or a “jokester”?

    Pretty easy for all these horrible people to paint Ambassador Stevens as anything they want, since he can’t defend himself!!

  7. That is not a punchable face. That is a face you you knock the crap out of with a baseball bat.
    A few words for this grand mountain of excrement:

  8. Nobody has yet answered the real question here yet: What the hell were they doing there anyway? The Hildebeest has alluded to vaguely pursuing Libyan arms, but was the CIA in the process of diverting former Libyan arms to “friendly” Syrian rebel forces??

    If they were, that is Iran Contra all over again, and is illegal as all hell.

    In addition, just before the Benghazi attack, the Turkish FM was at the compound and met with Stevens. What was said?? My guess is it had something to do with the Turkish F-4 recon plane that had been shot down over Syria a few days before. I think Turkey believed it was a US MANPAAD in rebel hands that shot down their jet, and I would not put it past the Turks to get a little retribution in by helping the terrorists that attacked the mission that night.

    This is far from over. The Hildebeest was not the last witness to testify on this, so stay tuned…

  9. I’m just asking a question: Was it known that the Ambassador was a homosexual? Did Hillary, knowing this, send him to his death? Did he “jog” around the neighborhoods in this shithole, or did he “Prance”? Just askin’. I really don’t give a fuck anymore.
    Whatever, He did not deserve such an ignoble death, dragged through the streets, raped, vilified for all the world to see. The American Ambassador.!
    Not to mention the deaths of Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.
    “What difference, at this point, does it make.”? quote the fucking whore of Chappaqua.
    And the Main Stream Media just think she’s “masterful” at handling these assholes in Congress.
    And the answer to my question is: We’re fucked.

  10. Right! The GD emails are not the issue. Why we were destabilizing the entire region and arming Al Qaeda? That’s “smart foreign policy”? Missiles that SHE and RINO McCain ran to Al Qaeda which then morphed into ISIS are killing our soldiers in Afghanistan.

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