Dr. Jill Biden Makes A Mockery Of Herself – IOTW Report

Dr. Jill Biden Makes A Mockery Of Herself

First, is was her hilariously bad Spanish in her attempt to rally the United Farm Workers on Wednesday that brought chuckles. Here

Then it was her hooker outfit when deplaning Air Force One and the report of the First Shady dressing as a flight attendant to pass out ice cream treats as an April Fools on the fawning media that was really cringe inducing. Here

25 Comments on Dr. Jill Biden Makes A Mockery Of Herself

  1. Oh, this explains a lot!
    When is she gonna admit this whole S-show is a prank on America?
    Then we can get our real president back and start to right this listing ship of state!

  2. why is she dressed like a prostitute … ooooohh smh

    dressing like a 20 year old when you’re pushing 70 = walmart mentality – no offense to the wallyworld folk

  3. Had a twinge of sympathy when I read she butchered Spanish. I myself speak it slowly because I’m not Unkly Al. I thought “man, must have been a bitch of a sentence.”

    Turns out it was 3 words. 3 famous words. 3 words most people heard pronounced correctly for……8 years.

    This skirt is single handedly setting back the blonde movement 200 years.


  4. The scene in Arthur where the butler tells Liza Minelli he’s pleased to meet her and he would normally need to go to a bowling alley to meet someone like her, comes to mind.

  5. Didja hear about the Redhead who went to the doctor complaining that “everything hurts”?
    Doc: What do you mean “everything hurts? Be more specific”
    Redhead: “When I press here on my forehead it hurts. When I press here on my neck it hurts. When I press on my belly it hurts, when I press on my ankle it hurts”
    Doc: You’re not really a Redhead are you?
    Redhead: Ahhhhh… huh???
    Doc: You are really blonde aren’t you?
    Redhead: Yes Doctor, how could you tell?
    Doc: Your finger is broken!

    Aaaaaaaannnnnd that’s when she stopped dying her hair red and married Jackass Joe!

  6. “She once stuffed herself in an overhead compartment on Air Force Two when her husband Joe Biden was vice president, shouting “Boo!” at the first person to open the bin, according to U.S. media.”

    Dear God, THIS is who is running the country???!!!

  7. Plagiarism is a key element in the life of a Biden. Unfortunately, whoever Biden hired to write her dissertation for her was almost as illiterate as she is. It’s full of grammatical mistakes. Apparently, nobody at the University of Delaware ever even read it. Why is that family just a collection of low life frauds?

  8. My mother was a teacher and then school principal after she got her doctorate in education. She is nuts, full goose bozo. I have seen this with most that get their doctorate in education.

  9. The Dunning-Kruger Effect runs strong in the Biden lineage, and we may now be witnessing an epidemic of it in this White House. They are such a national embarrassment. We are the laughingstock of the world.


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