Drag show featuring persons with Down syndrome? – IOTW Report

Drag show featuring persons with Down syndrome?

Drag shows are unsettling as it is, now they’ve added the extra element of possible exploitation. What’s next? S&M shows featuring people with dementia?

Of course there are people with Down syndrome that are very capable of making their own decisions and deserve the respect afforded every other citizen. But there are people with Down Syndrome who deserve our respect as well as our protection.

It’s difficult to discern during such a show who is highly functioning and who is not. Personally, I would find it off-putting on several levels.


Controversy has erupted in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a congressional candidate prohibited a venue he owns from being used to host a drag show featuring performers with Down syndrome.

As part of the Project 1 exhibitions for the ArtPrize arts festival that takes place every year in the western Michigan city, the London-based “Drag Syndrome” — a troupe of drag performers who have Down syndrome — was slated to perform at Tanglefoot Building, owned by congressional candidate Peter Meijer, a Republican running for the seat currently held by Justin Amash. Earlier this year, Amash left the Republican party to become an Independent.

According to the Detroit Free Press Friday, Meijer explained that he barred the exhibition from his venue because the performers’ “ability to act of their own volition is unclear” and that he did not know if they “are giving, or in a position to give, full and informed consent” to participate in a drag show.

In a Thursday complaint to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union asserted that Meijer had unlawfully discriminated against people with disabilities, arguing that he had relied on harmful stereotypes about such persons. 

“I did what’s right, and I’m not going to back down from that or apologize for it,” he said.

Meijer is planning on challenging the ACLU’s complaint.

The drag show has been rescheduled at another venue, the Wealthy Theatre, and a Saturday evening performance is now slated to occur and reportedly sold out.


12 Comments on Drag show featuring persons with Down syndrome?

  1. You just know these freaks will try and normalize it and say it’s no big deal. What’s next, drag Queen story hours at libraries for kids with special needs so that they won’t feel left out. I despise the evil left, everything they do is corrupt and evil. How low can they go and have they no shame at such a disgusting display of depravity. I seem to remember a biblical injunction about tying a millstone around their necks and tossing them into the sea for corrupting children which a lot of people with Downs syndrome are.

  2. It’s a logical extension of the concept of “mainstreaming” those with disabilities and is the same as exploiting anything of the “race, creed, or religion” concept.

    Does it further exhibit the abomination that is our society’s perverse and self-destructive commitment to celebrate deviancy, sodomy, and the rights of the individual over societal norms and preservation?

    No the world will not end tomorrow but we’re pretty sure it’s scheduled for this week.

    I used to know social “workers” who taught this same population how to engage in heterosexual behavior and self-love.

  3. Pete Meijer won’t back down, thank God. He’s from THE wealthiest family in Michigan, thank God. He’s a Conservative, thank God ♥ He can always use more prayers, though.

  4. And now we are going to force a venue owner to lease his space same as forcing people to violate their religious beliefs and bake gay wedding cakes. There are no damages, go find a place that wants to violate their community standards and host this disgusting display and pay them instead. So sick of this litigation and forcing normal decent people to partake in this insanity.

  5. So as commented on a previous thread and paraphrasing here…

    Now that NORMALCY must be closeted and DEVIANCY mainstreamed, are you going to regret not opening your mouth to condemn all of this type of crap?

    I’ve been called and accused of being things that I now consider a badge of honor. I’ll not be found in a closet.


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