DREAMcatchERS – IOTW Report


37 Comments on DREAMcatchERS

  1. Funny, the first domestic users, abusers and losers provided for and subsidized by the US Government.
    Go back to your unregulated casinos, tobacco joints and take senator warren with you.

  2. I want to see the Dreamer Commitment Clause in legislation as proof of assimilation and how much they love American as the only country they’ve ever known. Amputation of their middle finger is a good start.

  3. Betcha they don’t mind stuffing their pockets with little green pieces of paper with those same portraits emblazoned on their fronts! Especially if they can get them for free!

  4. To Fritz the Cat: Geronimo went on raids in to Mexico and kidnapped Mexican children and young ladies to help the tribe. He said the female children were ok as they grew up and assimilated into the tribe. The male children were ok until they hit 12-13 and then they were worthless and the best thing to do was to just kill them when they hit 12 years old.

  5. They’re Injuns. Not Mesikins. Christ. We’ve killed enough of both to be able to tell the difference. They’re flipping off the big stone faces because Rushmore is a sacred place for them. Think it’s called 6 or 7 Grandfathers.

    Please find an appropriate picture to stir up the blood of your readers as this one is simply silly.

  6. I’ve always thought that way back, ages ago, the Japanese rounded up all of their lowest IQ people and put them on boats and pushed them away from the dock. Some made it to the Americas, and that’s where the “native” Americans came from. Just a theory.

  7. Generally, I’m against “nation building” with our military. But I’m beginning to think it may be cost-effective to send our troops into Mexico to kill the drug cartels and corrupt politicians. Then all the “dreamers” can fulfill their dreams in their native land without fear.

  8. If your no-good brother-in-law intentionally let a raccoon into your house to destroy it, yeah sure you’d be pissed at the raccoon but the rat that deserves a thrashing is your brother-in-law.

    In the case of open borders and the looting of the US, it is the politicians who’ve allowed this and legislated it that need to be LYNCHED.

    It’s just too late to get that fat louse Teddy Kennedy.

  9. If you’ve traveled, the Mexicans, central and South Americans in the sticks look like American Indians, too.
    I don’t care why they’re flipping it off, they’re still flipping it off and they always side with the Mexicans, share the same surnames as Mexicans and the people to the south. Fuck all of them.

  10. Here, a more “appropriate ” picture of dreamers.
    Now tell us a story about how we killed enough of them and give us the reason they are disrespecting our country.

  11. You know what would be fun? Get a big cannon and shove those three into the barrel. See if you can lodge their crumpled corpses into Teddy’s left nostril from the valley floor.

  12. Nah, those are black people. Still ain’t Injuns. And I wrote that we had killed enough of both Mesikins an Injuns to be able to tell the difference. Besides, that Rushmore picture was widely circulated on the net and thoroughly mocked already.

    Post that pic of those Mesikins grabbin’ their crotches.

  13. Mesikins are…..like what…. 1/2 Spanish…maybe 1/4… the rest is all Aztec or whatever smaller tribes were worth humpin’.

    Up here we have Navajoes. Spain and Mesiko only got as far north as the Gila river so any Mesikins north of that are invaders.

    But Injuns are also pesky. For example, I don’t know if any other tribe considers Rushmore to be sacred. Just like how the Hopi and Zuni say the confluence of the Lil’ Colorado with the Big Colorado is sacred. Too bad for them the Navajo own that land and have no special attachment to it because they told the Zuni and Hopi to f off while they put a coal fired power plant there.

    So just cuz’ one tribe or nation or whatever the hell they call themselves nowadays says a place is sacred doesn’t necessarily make it so.

    However, all Indians say their slots are the loosest so I’m pretty sure some of them are liars.


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