Dreamers Can’t Habla Inglés – IOTW Report

Dreamers Can’t Habla Inglés

A new review of test scores by illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama’s DACA policy finds that a quarter are “functionally illiterate” in English and half have only “basic proficiency” while they’ve supposedly had been growing up in America.  More

21 Comments on Dreamers Can’t Habla Inglés

  1. Few things piss me off as much as these ingrates sneaking in here and then demanding we accept them and provide for them. Go home you filthy rats, you are exactly what we don’t need here.

  2. why you think I comb here. I no haba to speak Einglish and you haba pay for my chieldren. Whyjew got no heart? *pshaw*lip*smack* You got no feeling and I hab rights.

  3. This criminals illegal aliens are ungrateful . No DACA , go home to your country to clean your own bathroom and pic your own fruit, vegetables. This people demand free stuff, also call the USA racist. We’ll take you fuc ass back to Mexico with you Guinea pig too

  4. If you leaving in a state that let this SOB mother fuc get free stuff . Vote this people out of office . . Look at Hollywood claim that daca for children is good . but this same people will support financial to them, the same with the socialist , communist , libs . Deported this mother fuc criminals illegal aliens .

  5. I was invited to a Mexican Christmas Eve party. Wonderful food, nice people. But, they all spoke Spanish. I ended up playing UNO with their children who could speak English.

  6. People involved with that program stated applicants who did not qualify were routinely approved anyway.

    I’d support a law that requires signage, written correspondence, television ads, and customer service centers to use ONLY English.

    That’s the biggest scam going in welfare today.
    Look at your agerage welfare packet of info. It’s mountainous.
    English speaking people are handed the packet and half the time they can’t fill it out to bring back, and the half the time they do bring it back, there is some problem with the paperwork and they just run you around the poll until you get frustrated and go away.
    However, if you are Mexican and do not even speak English, the Hispanic welfare worlkers will fill out the paperwork for you and it goes right on through the first time.
    Neat little system they have there.

  8. Hispanics are one of the first wave of immigrants who abandon education and hard work, usually in the third generation. Not only are they not proficient in English, many are functionally illiterate in Spanish, as well. My deceased friend coined the term “Biilliterate” to describe those he encountered in the construction trades.

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