Driver sent into rage over Trump flag- Throws bottles – IOTW Report

Driver sent into rage over Trump flag- Throws bottles

If I called central casting in Hollywood and said I needed someone to play the part of a woman triggered by a Trump flag being flown on a truck they would probably send me this–

If I asked you guys to send me someone you’d probably send this —

Here is the actual road rager–

The thing that kills me about this video is that this woman is probably some virtue signalling “environmentalist” who happens to have a carload of empty plastic bottles (that she’s willing to toss out of her planet raping car at the bad man who supports the orange man.)

If her car caught fire, it would literally be a dumpster fire.

YT- on route 128 in Massachusetts during the morning rush hour. Before the camera started rolling, this woman had swerved into me, thrown what I think was a pizza box and several bottles of water.

ht/ petrus

27 Comments on Driver sent into rage over Trump flag- Throws bottles

  1. @ Moe
    That would be 6250.00 per here in Oregun. If your going to fine go big.
    The gov here needs new vehicles, the ones they have are a year and a half old already.

  2. Both littering and reckless driving are serious offenses in most places and here is video evidence of both.

    I say forward it to the police and see if they do their job and go after her for both. She’s obviously presenting a serious real danger to both traffic and other people.

    BTW, it could also be construed as assault, maybe that could be pursued as well.

  3. Here is some advice for everyone behind the wheel. Yeah, it’s amusing to get totally unhinged leftards on video but the reason there are so many instances of road rage is that people (mistakenly) assume they have anonymity and thus no accountability. You can bet that if this lunatic had a brick in her car or even a gun, she would have used those to voice her rage instead of a water bottle or an ill-advised bird flip. People are crazy, provoking them may start out fun but can end up tragic. These people are the same types that actively support ANTIFA when they seriously injure someone. They are despicable and should be avoided.

  4. @scr
    This is MA, a hive of liberals with the GroupThink to match. The cops there probably nominated her for the most woke driver of the year award.

  5. This isnt funny. The likes of this woman are the brownshirts of the left. What if she had a gun? What if she had a badge? (Remember: obamacare provides for a police department, reportable only to the president. Imagine if that president is the likes of kamala harris or Fauxcahontas?)

  6. One of those gigantic “Backyard Water Guns” would have come in handy…I’ll bet she would have wrecked her car, and yours, trying to get back at you…The water gun really would have been fun, if it was full of grape juice…

  7. Another soul possessed by Satan..hatred is a sure sign the devil owns your heart.

    These lunatics have no self control and actually believe their rage and actions are justified.

    When El Trumpus Magnus wins in 2020 the civil war is gonna start.

  8. First: she is a Masshole
    2nd: I have cameras rolling.., front, rear and side
    3rd.. where I’m from, That shit will get you shot.
    And I drive a big truck. Bring it bitches

  9. scr_north. 11.26am. “So did the cops nail her?
    Well, did they? Any followup on this?
    I can tell you that if I was the MIC in the area, I’d damn sure follow up and arrest her. Just sayin.

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