Dumbest Man in Congress Says Ben Carson and His Followers Are Ignorant – IOTW Report

Dumbest Man in Congress Says Ben Carson and His Followers Are Ignorant

While Hank Johnson waits for Guam to tip over he had this to say about a neurosurgeon –

dr. ben carson

Headline Politics- 

Johnson, appearing on The Michael Smerconish Show, was discussing race relations under Obama, saying that the President has done “as much as is humanly possible.” He added that Obama is probably the greatest President our nation has ever seen.

The problem, Johnson contends, are ignorant black men like Ben Carson and his supporters who act “like a lynch mob” towards the President.

Via Mediaite:

Part of the problem, the congressman said, is that now “we have African Americans trying to tap into that vein of ignorance.” As his prime example, Johnson cited Carson:

[He] is a very smart, well-educated man and knows exactly what he’s doing, when we have blacks like that trying to tap into the ignorance of people who have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob, and you go to try to garner support from those folks, I think it’s very disappointing that we would have that kind of political discourse going on in this country.

He added that Carson is “appealing to the lowest common denominator.”

24 Comments on Dumbest Man in Congress Says Ben Carson and His Followers Are Ignorant

  1. It has been reported in certain circles that Hank Johnson has or will I should say donate his remains to to JHU medical school of Neurology. The school was obviously stymied by the action citing, the man obviously hasn’t a brain to study.

  2. When I watched Ben’s launch at the prayer breakfast, I thought if blacks won’t don’t vote for him, they’ll no longer effectively be able to play the race card and intrinsically know it.
    Then, as if it’s not clear enough already, will be that much more obvious on their desire to subdue the whites. That’s why you have people like this flacking him.

  3. once they find them ( who knows where) they send them to a parking school so that they can learn dent adjacent cars when they pull into a spot and then walk away like nothing happened

  4. You can tell by his eyes that there is little or no activity going on behind them.
    Incredible that he actually holds public office.
    Imagine a conversation between this cretin and Uncle Joe.

  5. Remember that he was elected from the same pool of genius that elected Cynthia McKinney. It is entirely possible that this entire Congressional district has the collective I.Q. of a persimmon.

  6. That would be perfect, since Jeanine’s guests, with few exceptions, have been dipping into the barrel of stupidity lately. I wonder did she lose her great producer from last year.

  7. Poetic justice is going to be seeing him lose what’s left of his feeble mind once that skin disease he has turns him white just like his hair.

    Ever seen an albino negro before? He’s gonna look like one of the “Family” after Charlton Heston’s Omega Man.


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