Dump Pepsi Stock – The CEO and the Employees Are Morons – IOTW Report

Dump Pepsi Stock – The CEO and the Employees Are Morons

The idiot employees think they are in danger if they are a woman or non-white, and the CEO lets them panic.

Yahoo News) PepsiCo’s CEO said the election of Donald Trump as president was terrifying her employees.

“I had to answer a lot of questions from my daughters, from our employees. They were all in mourning,” PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi told Andrew Ross Sorkin at The New York Times’ DealBook conference on Thursday.

“Our employees were all crying,” she said.

“And the question that they’re asking, especially those who are not white, ‘Are we safe?’ Women are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ LGBT people are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ I never thought I would have to answer those questions.”

After congratulating Trump for his success, Nooyi, who supported Democrat Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, said everyone in the US needed assurance of their safety.

“What we heard was election talk,” she said.  Nooyi also said she was disgusted more generally by the language that has been used to discuss women in recent months.   (read more with video)

The Conservative Treehouse has a list of other Pepsi products.

ht/ tb

35 Comments on Dump Pepsi Stock – The CEO and the Employees Are Morons

  1. all the rioting, crying, and gnashing of teeth by those who wanted to elect the most criminal candidate in history makes me oh so happy that we have trump headed to dc to boot the jug-eared moron and family out of public housing

  2. GrubHub nose dive. Eject! eject! Eject!
    Sorry Bill Whittle. Totally stole that.

    Fritos? Gone. Doritos? Gone. Aquafina. Who fucking cares? It’s just over priced water. Lays potato chips. Pepsi

    These people are going down faster than Monica lewinsky.

  3. Anonymous — I just read about this at GP!

    If the PEP CEO is a moron, this guy just offed his whole company. Packetsled does internet/system security — most of their income comes from the government, specifically the DoD. You think Trump — a guy who approves the plumbing fixtures for his hotels’ bathrooms — will be very interested in this gov’t vendor?

    (Make sure you go to the guy’s Twitter page and see his non-apology apology. Hope they start by snagging his company’s clearances and put his projects on hold.)

  4. Like Unruly we don’t drink soft drinks or energy drinks or any of that sugary or artificial sugar crap. I do occasionally buy a bottle of Aquafina when on the road. Forget that. There is nothing else on their product list we use because it’s all diabetes inducing junk food. Shame on Indra for producing worthless junk food not approved by the Mooch Obozo.

  5. My guess is that the “employees” the CEO supposedly talked to were executive-level “yes men”, not the actual crew working on the factory floor. CEO wouldn’t want to get dirty, and the workers are probably too smart to fall for the BS.

  6. @The Gunny, thanks! That’s a larger list than the link off Conservative Tree House. Sabra Hummus is something we buy once in a while, the extra garlic. Will switch to a locally made brand or get the food processor out and make our own.

  7. This bitch just wants to bitch about ANYTHING American. Not her first FU to the USofA.
    Apparently as far back as 2005 she had a low opinion of us.


    She should return to whatever sewer infested area of India with her holier than thou advice and fight against real injustice, not her imagined freak out over Trump. Oh I forgot, rats are worshipped there, women, not so much.

    Target, NFL, Macy’s, PGA, GrubHub, PepsiCo, etc etc etc.

    I’m sick of the whole lot of them. Apparently its no longer acceptable that I’m not a citizen of the world, they now want to shove it up my nose that I’m not acceptable in my own country.

    Piss off/rant off.

  8. This CEO is a woman from India. Another foreigner who leaves her own ruined country, comes to the
    US and votes for the same type of despot who ruined the country of her birth. It takes an incredibly ignorant person to come to a capitalist country and tell the citizens of our country how to vote.
    The only people voting for the criminal Hillary are foreigners because they think she will give them free stuff. I want Pepsi to fail so the ungrateful foreign employees will lose the jobs stolen from Americans.

  9. Oh … and take the #NeverTrumps and #BlackLiesMatter maggots with you …
    And the Demonrats … and Progressives … and Greens … and Libertarians … and &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I think it’s an excellent idea for HALF their customer base to suddenly stop buying their products. I’m sure losing half their $5.45 billion net income (2015) won’t affect their bottom line. The stockholders won’t mind.

    Might be a good idea to purchase stocks right now – in different corporation.

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