Dunderhead Jennifer Rubin Says Laura Ingraham Never Disparaged White Celebrities By Saying “Shut Up” – IOTW Report

Dunderhead Jennifer Rubin Says Laura Ingraham Never Disparaged White Celebrities By Saying “Shut Up”

Uhhh, Jennifer, shut up and put on more lipstick.

Ingraham’s remark to Lebron James, shut up and dribble, is a play on the title of her book about the 3 white Dixie Chicks called Shut Up and Sing.

She was suggesting that the singers sing, and she’s saying the basketball player should dribble, because their opinions get in the way of the entertainment, which is what they are paid for.

Ingraham did not impugn Jame’s intellect. She didn’t, but I will. James is a moron.


36 Comments on Dunderhead Jennifer Rubin Says Laura Ingraham Never Disparaged White Celebrities By Saying “Shut Up”

  1. Perfect example of Dunning-Kruger. He’s so stupid he doesn’t realize how stupid he is, and so assumes he’s smart enough to opine on something about which he’s ignorant. Having had no one bold enough to reprove hia ignorance (until Ingraham) only makes it worse.

  2. She has always been another progressive/leftist “Republican”. She, as do they, lies about her politics; so why would she not lie about everything else?
    Her Leftist lies made me mad 13 years ago, I had to stop reading her. But folk like IOTW let me know she is still in the FAKE NEWS.

  3. I don’t pay any more attention to this high-school drop-out for my decisions on who to vote for, what to eat, what kind of car to drive or how to raise my kids, than I do actors in Hollywood. They’re entertainers. I look at them for what they are: high profile tools of the Left. Once they cross the boundaries of of what they’re good at it usually becomes as obvious as the Emperor’s new clothes that they don’t know what they are talking about.

  4. Acts like these lead me to believe that Lebron is trying to do for the NBA what Kapernick did for the NFL. I could care less about either, men or leagues.
    It’s better to sit quiet and look stupid than it is to open your mouth and prove it.

  5. I always wondered why blacks don’t get tattoos with white ink.??? Whoever invents white ink will make a fortune. Even the morons who already have tats, will have them redone. A fortune to be made I tell ya.

  6. And thus the ignorant fools who believed themselves stars above reproach and a font of absolute wisdom destroyed their respective sports and careers of themselves and hordes of younger players and gave rise to the American Rugby Club.

  7. @Anonymous February 19, 2018 at 10:22 am

    > Just as many are rambling on about how dangerous it is to put guns in some hands, I’m wondering how wise it is to give boundless wealth to the dangerously stupid.

    It’s not like they’d hire people with guns. To do stupid things. Lots of guns. Lots of stupid things.

  8. BTW, we should thank African Americans for giving their kids ridiculous names like LeBron, it helps HR staff to weed-out the ghetto dwellers before they even meet them. Brilliant!

  9. @Tony R; whether Afican Americans name their kids John or Debbie every HR person hiring today will search Google for the applicants name. They’ll also check social media and if it turns out the nice polite white girl sitting in front of you with impressive resume and the long sleeved blouse on, graduated Berkely and led several student demonstrations that turned into riots and had her arms tattooed with AntiFa slogans then the chances are they will be on permanent Starbucks duty as no company (or government department) wants a shit disturber.

    LeBron made a good financial decision dropping out of High School and going straight to the Bigs but it didn’t make him wise or educated or smarter and people ought to realize that. Unfortunately most do not.

  10. It’s very insulting to decent black people when virtue signaling dorks like her pipe up to supposedly defending perceived verbal slights to them.
    They’re actually individuals and can speak for themselves and don’t want your type exploiting them for your own purposes.

    There are some exceptions though, idiots like Lebran as an example.

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