Durham Subpoenas Members of DNC and Clinton Campaign – IOTW Report

Durham Subpoenas Members of DNC and Clinton Campaign

The Blaze

Special counsel John Durham has issued trial subpoenas for members of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee as he continued to push his theory of a “joint venture” in the case he built against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, who represented Clinton’s campaign.

Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, the now infamous opposition research firm Fusion GPS, and the Perkins Coie law firm are working to resist Durham’s efforts to compel the submission of documents that have been withheld up to this point. The Washington Examiner reported that these groups have argued that claims of attorney-client privilege should keep the records that Durham is seeking concealed. More

9 Comments on Durham Subpoenas Members of DNC and Clinton Campaign

  1. He’s just getting everyone together for a nice wine and cheese party, where they can joke and laugh and high five about how they’re putting one over on the sheep again.

    He WILL ask casually about any evidence they know about, but only so they can have the FBI seize and ‘lose’ it.

    And then, nothing will change as yet another election is stolen.

    This will all be forgotten by then.

  2. On and on it goes. The perps are identified giving them time to go to ground and destroy any evidence they have. And the names of the accused are never clinton or obama or bush, et al, the ringleaders and brain trusts of the crime(s). Give me a break.

  3. And… If the “reasonable prosecutors” decide to “prosecute”, how many Mussolini Pinatas can we hope for? (Not “expect” — merely “hope for”.)

    That’s what we knew. Thank you, for stealing our wallets.

  4. It might just be possible that Durham’s strategy for this phase — to only subpoena those outside gov’t — is 1: he may get the little(er) fish to go for pleas in exchange for incontrovertible evidence against those who are still in gov’t or those the insiders are protecting. And 2: he knows that if he starts with those inside gov’t, their ranks are so solidly closed that he’ll simply hit a brick wall.

    We’ll see. Keep watch and pray for this too.


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