DWS Caught Trying to Probe Attorneys Sueing Her – IOTW Report

DWS Caught Trying to Probe Attorneys Sueing Her

Apparently worried about the lawsuit against her for throwing the nomination process to Hillary Clinton when she was DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-D) called the attorneys handling the case and tried to solicit information about the case. She used a voice changer so the person on the other end couldn’t tell who was calling, but didn’t hide her personal phone number.


The attorney’s office filed the unwanted contact with the court handling the lawsuit.

23 Comments on DWS Caught Trying to Probe Attorneys Sueing Her

  1. About peed my pants laughing when I read this! Every dumb crook story I’ve ever seen flashed in my memory banks.

    Does anyone else see the hand of God in these stories? I do. The progs are saying the things they don’t want to say and doing all the things they don’t want to do. God can open a mouth or shut a mouth; cause action and restrict action.

    Keep praying, keep being faithful and thank God every day that He stayed the hand of the DNC.

  2. She’ll deny it and say just because her office number came up doesn’t mean she made the call. It’ll get blamed on a low-level staffer who will be summarily fired.

  3. In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias, wherein persons of low ability suffer fromillusory superiority when they mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude. Without theself-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence ….

  4. She should have been using her best Russian accent for the phone call. Maybe she has never had to set up her own phone. She may try the “Amnesia” defense especially if she does not have a good lawer.

  5. She’s going to be found in a park with 3 self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head, and she knows it, that’s why she is in panic mode. Hillary doesnt like witnesses who might talk.

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