Dylan Farrow Answers Woody Allen Allies – IOTW Report

Dylan Farrow Answers Woody Allen Allies


Dylan Farrow was unmoved by Scarlett Johansson’s faith in Woody Allen, the Cut reports. The actress had said she believes Allen when he denies Farrow’s accusation that he sexually abused her when she was 7. “Scarlett has a long way to go in understanding the issue she claims to champion,”

In addition, Farrow was critical of Joy Behar, co-host of The View, over her explanation of the investigation of Farrow’s accusation against Allen. Behar had said Allen was “exonerated by the experts,” per the Wrap. Farrow tweeted Thursday: “Surprising that in discussing my case this morning no one mentioned that the prosecutor in my case, after evaluating ALL the evidence, found probable cause to press criminal charges against Woody. He chose not to only in order to spare me further trauma.”

13 Comments on Dylan Farrow Answers Woody Allen Allies

  1. Speaking strictly for myself, I have always enjoyed the works of Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, and many others whose private lives have been discovered to be, shall we say, less than reputable. There have even been recent revelations about the sexual antics of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts. More and more I am beginning to come to the realization that such matters are none of my concern, and that I wish that I had never heard about them.

    I think sometimes you just have to separate the artist from his art.

  2. Why is Scarlett opening her mouth about anything? She wasn’t even born when woody was doing these things. She spent some time with him on a movie set and now she’s an expert on woody’s past behavior? Move on to the next couch, Scar.

  3. @ Vietvet SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 AT 9:21 AM

    I totally separate the artist from their art. I had a friend who owned a concert lighting company that leased equipment to big names when they came to Seattle/Tacoma and had all access passes given me any time I asked for them. I used to watch fans willingly be shit on just so they could enjoy proximity to many musicians. Some left me with a good impression, but so many were first rate assholes

  4. Funny that some members of the #metoo crowd seem to be pretty selective about who they kneejerk believe. Kavanaugh gets hammered despite his accuser being shown in sworn testimony to be completely unreliable and yet Woody gets a pass for female child molesting because he’s a Hollywood icon. I wonder if Johannson and Behar can even see their hypocrisy. Probably not.

  5. Yo!

    Don’t make much difference what you (or I) believe or don’t – they won’t make one less penny.

    But the perverts destroy lives in the process of pursuing their perversions.
    And they spread the notion that perversion is OK – when a great many perverts live lives of “quiet desperation” attempting to emulate the perverts of Hollyweird.

    Call me old fashioned – I change the channel when perverts are aired on commercials or “shows” – and haven’t patronized a theater in ~30 years – and cancel subscriptions to magazines that advertise or otherwise endorse perversion. Does anybody care? Nope. Then why do it? Because “silence is consent” and I refuse to consent to my own civilizational collapse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I’m with you Tim. As someone who was abused as a child, I know how harmful it can be. It taints the rest of your life, and abusers should not get a free pass because of supposed “art” or allowed to flourish to spread their sickness to innocent people.

    And further, I always found Woody Allen’s “work” to be juvenile and unwatchable, even before I knew he was a big perv. I never could understand why he was famous in the first place.

  7. @Tim (at 1:19 pm): I figure that for every person in entertainment who gets labeled a pervert there’s another hundred doing the same thing but nobody knows about it. Also, I don’t know which stories are true and which are made up to destroy a career. Bottom line is, I don’t have time to keep track of everyone else’s business to know what to watch and what to boycott. I guess I just prefer to judge not, lest I be judged. I’m kinda simple like that.

  8. The only entertaining work of Woody Allen to me was ‘What’s up Tiger Lily’ – 1966. Everything else he has done since than (including all the talk show stand up/interviews/movies) is trash.
    I’m grateful that Tiger Lily did inspire MS3TK.
    Outside of that, he’s a perverted smuck.

  9. Yo!
    I’m not judgmental either.
    I wrote that if they (?) display or promote (no ambiguity) perversion I practice my right not to participate.
    From “silence is consent” comes “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

    Averting one’s eyes doesn’t avert danger.

    izlamo delenda est …

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