Eco-friendly Portland baffled to discover an artisanal industry is polluting its air – IOTW Report

Eco-friendly Portland baffled to discover an artisanal industry is polluting its air

Guardian: Researchers have found toxic hotspots of carcinogenic heavy metals in the air above two local glass companies, and the neighbors are demanding answers.

Instead of eating the kale she grew in her backyard garden in Portland, Oregon, this spring, Jessica Applegate will submit the leafy green plants for toxic metal testing.

Recent revelations that heavy metals – specifically arsenic, cadmium and chromium – are hovering above the city in toxic hotspots have stunned the eco-conscious city. Along with the news came an unlikely culprit: artisan glass manufacturers.

Applegate, who has lived about a half mile from Bullseye Glass Company in south-east Portland for 18 years, said she was blindsided.

“I’m educated. I’m politically active. I serve on the board of Oregon Wild [an environmental advocacy group]. I’m a good citizen,” Applegate said, while sitting on her front porch last week. “And yet, I felt baffled by my own ignorance of the true state of our airshed.”  more here

8 Comments on Eco-friendly Portland baffled to discover an artisanal industry is polluting its air

  1. So let me get this straight. The “artisans” were using cadmium and arsenic and that thought this was a good thing. I worked for one of those evil multinational companies in the 60s and we stripped using that shit not because of a gov. reg but because it was at that time a suspected carcinogen. Keep Portland weird.

  2. This is an issue that I’m of course very plugged into. I’ve been to Portland many times using Uroborous facilities to make glass specific to projects I’ve been commissioned to do. I’ve used both companies’ products since they began in the 70s.

    First, they complied completely with OR air quality requirements. The writer says, “Uroboros Glass, another manufacturer, also stopped using cadmium and agreed to put a filter on their furnaces”
    Ahhh, these furnaces are run with filters RIGHT NOW. If there’re not up to snuff, it’s not the fault of Uro & BE. OR admits they’ve known about higher levels then they THINK should be there and haven’t done shit for 10 years.

    The fact there are higher levels of heavy metals near their plants in a very heavily industrialized area of Portland with a long history of companies that use heavy metals for a variety of purposes is just common sense. Sorry for all of the aghast neighbors but you moved into an area with a couple square miles of smoke stacks and nasty looking yards. Did you think they were growing hothouse tomatoes? I’ve been there-I definitely wouldn’t want to live there.

    The writer then goes on to say that people have ben tested for these heavy metals. OK. So what are the fucking results? Yeah, I thought so. Raise the fucking disturbing possibility that not just your kale but your sweet 4 year old is a walking cadmium warehouse and here come the lawsuits.

    BTW the word is both companies are about to resume use of cadmium and chromium as their inspected filtration systems have been deemed good-no mention of that either from this POS writer.

    Lord I hate the GD media.

  3. “I’m educated. I’m politically active. I serve on the board of Oregon Wild [an environmental advocacy group]. I’m a good citizen,” Applegate said, while sitting on her front porch last week. “And yet, I felt baffled by my own ignorance of the true state of our airshed.”

    She is NOT “educated”, she’s indoctrinated. Huge difference. If she was truly educated she wouldn’t be a goddam Socialist Progressive nor an enabler of the Environmental Industry. The only truthful thing she said is that SHE IS IGNORANT.

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