Effort to Expel George Santos From House FAILS – IOTW Report

Effort to Expel George Santos From House FAILS

UPDATE: THE HOUSE voted overwhelmingly to reject a resolution to expel George Santos.

213 voted no
179 voted yes
19 voted present.

13 Comments on Effort to Expel George Santos From House FAILS

  1. Voting present is cowardly unless you have a conflict of interest which should be stated as part of the official record. You are elected to make these kinds of decisions. Take a side, stand by it, and deal with the fallout. it is part of the job.

  2. Santos may be an awful person, but probably not worse than a lot of others, certainly not worse than The Squad. He is much more likely to vote with GOP than his likely replacement, which would almost certainly be a Dem.
    Maybe expel Tlaib and Omar first. Which of course is impossible.


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