People have been assaulted by mob outside White House – IOTW Report

People have been assaulted by mob outside White House


Protesters surrounding the White House on Thursday evening assaulted an elderly couple walking on the street nearby.

Protesters followed and heckled the elderly man and woman — who was wearing a “Trump 2020” t-shirt. More

There were more incidents with others, including Sen. Rand Paul (R),
and Brian Mast (R). More
h/t Blink.

16 Comments on People have been assaulted by mob outside White House

  1. Ayanna Pressley is a lying fucking cunt. She should be thrown out of congress.

    The things she’s saying about Kyle Rittenhouse ought to go straight to the courtroom for defamation. Unless she said them on the floor of the House, sue that fucking bitch into oblivion.

  2. All BLM rallies should be declared illegal…
    They do not assemble for peaceful purposes,
    Their behavior is that of a mob,
    Firehoses should be the first weapon against them,
    We have the right to peaceably assemble,
    Not for mob actIvity.

  3. The D.C. police did a horrible job. What D.C. needed last night was an armed, patriot militia lining the streets to escort the WH attendees to their cars. Perhaps it will happen for the inauguration.

  4. Paul was on Fox and Friends this morning. The mob scared the shit out of him. He mentioned at the end of the interview he thought most the mob was from out of town and that someone was paying them and both of those are illegal.
    No shit Rand, now go find out who’s behind it. And don’t stop until you find Soros.

  5. @Bad_Brad:

    No shit Rand, now go find out who’s behind it. And don’t stop until you find Soros.

    10 ring. Anybody looking into the funding of anti-American socio-political activity who doesn’t find Soros isn’t looking very hard. He’s an energetic bastard and I have to grudgingly admire the way he has structured his activities in hard-to-understand multi-layered holding companies and foundations.

    He must also be paying top dollar for personal protection.

  6. I was at COSTCO earlier today. I saw two young men leaving with one of the big roller carts full of about 15 cases of water bottles and about 10 pizzas from the pizza counter. They loaded into a white van with no labels that looked like a rental. I didn’t pay attention to the tag to see if it was local or not. Any other year I would have thought it was the local high school or college sports team, but now I wonder if it was for the rioters who were leaving DC.
    The little commie bastards need capitalism to survive.

  7. If anyone wondered why some of the people at Trump’s speech looked upset or tense, that was why. They were out blowing horns, screaming, blasting music and trying to interrupt Trump.

  8. MJA

    There’s a tool to fix that. It’s called a Glock. Leave them with the guard on the way in, pick them up on the way out. This is why we need Nationwide Reciprocity. I don’t go anywhere with out mine.


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