Election Day 2016 – IOTW Report

Election Day 2016


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15 Comments on Election Day 2016

  1. #1 Three little kittens cast their ballots, and all were for President Trump.When they were asked why, they all said with a sigh, to you do we look a chump?
    #2 “Baracck er no on election day vote Trump Pence, Barrrack I mean Trumpp”
    #3 “I held my nose and voted, and now I can’t get it to stop”
    #4 “I know you look at me and think as regal as I am I voted for hillary. But you’re wrong. I voted for Trump because my mama didn’t raise any dumb kittens”.
    #5 “Barrack er What #2 said Barrack er TRUMP TRUMP!”.
    #6 “On my way to vote for Trump. Gonna Make America Great Again”
    #7 Tim Kaine was seen casting his ballot earlier today.
    #8 “I’m slow so I’m getting a head start to the polling place to cast my vote for Trump. See ya Tuesday”
    #9 Down here in Texas even the cats support Trump
    #10 “I voted voted voted I voted voted for TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP”
    #11 “Don’t be a Dumb Pup. Vote Trump Pence this Tuesday”.
    #12 “Don’t be my back end. Vote for Trump Pence this Tuesday”.

    Don’t forget to vote everyone. And thanks again Claudia.

    I’m SineWaveII and no one paid me for this message.

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