Election Day Open Thread – IOTW Report

Election Day Open Thread

Use this to drop links to stories and other info that is germane to today’s presidential election.


380 Comments on Election Day Open Thread

  1. I hope Trump wins today. I predict that it wont even be close.
    I believe it will be a Reagan Carter outcome. I hope I am correct.
    Someone tried to take my Hillary for Prison sign last night and must have fallen over the fishing line I had tied up between the trees.
    Sorry no pictures.

  2. TRUMP WILL WIN! I absolutely believe that the American people have so much Clinton fatigues and disdain for her as well as the last 8 yrs. of obummer that she doesn’t stand a chance. This election is a referendum on good vs. evil and I believe that good will triumph. We shall see, my guts still tell me hellary is toast.

  3. Any suggestions for a near real-time non-biased on line election tracker for tonight? I refuse to watch the TV alphabets. Most sites I’ve looked at appear to be leftist.

  4. Just voted: 2008 waited 2 hours. 2012 waited about 1 hour. Today about 30 minutes. Based on the mix I saw, it benefits Trump. Mostly adults. In 2008, a lot of kids in line. Trump signs to H about 5:1.

  5. Here in Florida, polls are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. I got to my place about 7:15. The parking area was close to full; people were getting in and out OK but any more traffic and it would have been a problem. There were easily five times as many voters there than I’ve seen in years past, and the election folks had set up a lot more voting booths than ever, so it wasn’t much of a delay. It took about 15 minutes to get my ballot, then another 10 to get to a booth and fill it out.

    All, and I mean every one, of the signs outside the electioneering limit were for Trump and state and local Republicans. I saw no Democrat signs, not bumper stickers. The last car I walked past on the way to the building had two stickers: “Women Against Hillary” and “I Think, Therefore I Am Voting for Trump”.

    The only stereotypical lib/prog was a guy about 50, long hair in pony tail, Birkenstocks. I watched him just stand there in his booth, not filling out his ballot, but instead just looking at the crowd of voters. He had a very sad and perplexed expression on his face. I was on that satisfactory note that I finished my business and came home.

  6. Just voted. Wore “red” and gave the thumbs up to people in line as I was going out. A lot of voters this morning in my little corner of NYS (the conservative part of NY)

  7. Lazlo lives in Northern AZ
    I have never seen a Hilary sign around here.
    Every other name in the book, but no Hilary signs
    Voted Early, took the day off work so I can loll around and fret about my country,
    I feel a blowout coming.
    Either this election, or a vein in my neck

  8. I believe Trump will win huge. There was NO genuine excitment at the D convention at the start of this whole thing, but lots of division and scandal. It was a train wreck. Team Hillary had to “restart” her campaign at least 3 times. The Berners aren’t voting Hillary after finding out the system WAS rigged against them after all – by their own party. They will likely vote Jill Stein, who’s twice as dumb and promising just as much “free” shit as Bern did. Blacks will not turn out for an old White Woman. Many Latino immigrants know exactly what Socialism is and they’re not going to vote for it. When your rallys need hip-hop rappers to pull a crowd, or Michelle MaoBama is the star of your event, at this stage in the game, you as the candidate have no momentum. Americans are pissed, and rightly so. They’re not looking for someone who’s been there for decades to fix the mess we’re in. Hillary had no mandate, it was simply “her turn,” and that’s not enough at this point.

  9. Number 5 in line this morning at 6:30AM. So, not wanting to trust the computers, my wife and I used paper ballots.
    Naturally, the machine that reads the paper ballots (here in PA) didn’t work. Had to wait at the polling place 45 minutes for them to get the machine to work.
    Voted (R) for Trump and Congress, but Libertarian down ballot… I’m still p*ssed off at the GOP.
    I don’t trust ANYONE anymore. Thanks Obama.

  10. Sleepless in NE Ohio. Woke up at 4:00AM singing the Lord’s Prayer. Sometimes under intense stress I talk in my sleep, more like yell. Had been having a nightmare about 2 soulless con artists.

    We will go to the polls early this afternoon. The H said he wants to eat a late lunch/early dinner out.
    Thank you Super Toe I will wear red to the poll.

    The stress is making me sick. May avoid TV by quilting or will watch the Cav’s for a while.
    There is a sea of Trump signs from our house to the church where we vote 3.5 miles away. Not one Killary sign.
    Will post any notable NE Ohio observations.


  11. ╔════╗──────────────╔═══╗╔═══╗╔╗╔═══╗─╔╗╔╗╔╗

  12. More anecdotal stuff. Recently I’ve been asking total strangers who happen to be millennials. “Trump or Clinton?” I’ve done this quite a bit. Almost universally they hate both of them. So they won’t participate.

    Good enough for me.


  13. As we were leaving the polls, Mrs. Curtain and I spotted a huge black truck coming towards the voting place. It was jacked up on gigantic tires and had two tremendous American flags flapping from the truck bed. Across the side panels it said TRUMP in bold letters. This was one enthusiastic voter – but here’s the best part: When we honked to wave at him he turned to wave back and it was then that we saw his entire face was painted as the American flag! Made my day.

  14. Joe6Pak, if you’re from Wash. state like I am, I hate voting by mail as much as you do. It cheapens the whole process and I miss going to the polling place and seeing the same old ladies and gentlemen handing out ballots every 4 years and recognizing me as well since they lived in my neighborhood. I put my ballot in the box at my local library on Sunday. GO TRUMP! And may God continue to bless America.

  15. Mr. Hat, is there a way you can program these comments to appear with the most recent comment on top, as opposed to our having to scroll all the way to the bottom of the comments to see the new ones?
    Many thanks. Go Trump!!

  16. DH is a judge for a precinct in the Redstate of Lake County Indiana. Last night while setting up, he met someone he had not worked with in past elections and asked the person’s position. Person said “demo judge, but that’s NOT how I voted.” They both laughed, and DH said he won’t tell.:-)

  17. I’ve been playing with the Election Map on Real Clear Politics, and Trump still beats Clinton if he loses Florida, but he wins New Hampshire, Ohio and either Michigan or Pennsylvania. I remember doing this same exercise in 2012, and Romney couldn’t pull it off. I don’t believe that Trump is going to lose Florida, but even if he does, the Mad As Hell voters in the neglected Rust Belt states are not going to be overwhelmed by the too pandered to Hispanic voters.

  18. Live in a small precinct in NW Montana. Got to the polls at 6:55 as usual and instead of about three or four people that are normally there that early, the line was all the way out the door before they even opened. Pretty conservative precinct but more enthusiasm than I have seen in a long time. There is a tight Governor race here too so that may be part of it.

  19. In the past, I always voted after work, and the most votes I’d ever seen at my little rural polling place was 140. This morning I voted at 7:30 and was number 39. There were several red shirts there. This is Oklahoma and always votes Republican, so no surprise there. I passed another polling place on my way to work and the parking lot was packed.

  20. I did my part to turn Pennsylvania red (via absentee – hope it gets counted). So did multiple cousins in a big Democrat area. Been praying for two days. Today is going to be nerve-wracking. Please God, deliver us from the evil Clintons and help Mr. Trump to Make America Great Again!

  21. Is today really the day to mess with the comments position Fur?
    People are already at their wits ends.

    It’s a good idea for today. This thread might go into the 1000 comment area. If anyone wants o keep up with latest info they have to scroll forever ever time they check in. On smartphone that can be a PITA.- bfh

  22. In CO we are sadly an all mail in ballot state. Dems bragged as soon as the ballots were mailed that they were ahead but Republicans took the lead over the weekend. There are multiple block long lines to drop ballots off. We did have a loud group of never Trumpers – Regina Thomson, Ms. free the delegates that tried to launch a campaign against Trump last Labor Day. She was still posting negative crap last month. I see as many Johnson/Weld signs as Trump or Clinton so who knows.

  23. Not wishing to be a pain, but can “Leave a Reply” be moved up top as well? Stupid gotta scroll, scroll, scroll to enter a comment.

    Now I’ll shut up.

    That entails going into code. Not risking that on a day like today – bfh

  24. Just voted. Polling place is one street over from my front door at local elementary school.

    Took notice of a few things.

    One. Only one candidate’s sign out front. A local position. Asked a guy that was obviously campaigning just feet outside the limit “Why is there only one?” He shrugs. Told him every time I came here in prior elections I see the Rep signs are destroyed and when I ask about it inside all I get are giggles from the poll workers. GIGGLES!

    I ignored whatever mumbling he and his friend had to say as I turned to go in.

    Two. Best thing I witnessed was the low turnout. I was the 89th voter and there were only 3 there when I walked in – one just arriving at the sign-in desk. I am in a heavy Dem district.

    Three. Of course he spoke no English. I see him sign on two lines of the ledger. When I was asked to sign it was only one line – as it should be for one person. So, I asked why he signed two lines. All 3 people had no idea what I was talking about at first.

    “No he didn’t”
    “You have to show some form of ID”
    “Did you bring your voter card?”
    3 different people all at once.

    Me to the person with the ledger: ‘I saw you direct him to sign a second time. Why?’

    “No. I didn’t”

    ‘Yes, you did. It was on a different page the second time. Why was that?’

    “He had his voter registration card.” ‘So, you have to sign a second place when you bring your card?’


    Me: ‘So, why did you direct him to sign a second place?’

    “That was for his wife.” She motioned towards a woman already voting.

    Me: ‘Well, I only saw one voter card and one person and the signatures were not next to each other – on different pages, which is odd if they have the same last name.’

    Things went from friendly to chilly at that point. I voted and left. The dufus outside asked if I had any problems voting in there. ‘Nope’

    I am so sick of the crap that goes on. I have little trust in the current system. While we have sheets to mark and keep after they run through the machine – there is nothing to stop the poll workers from filling out ones for the no-shows.

  25. To everyone who may be a little troubled, or flustered this morning fearing a Hillary win: Miss Diana & I used to fear a dictatorial, tyrannical Governmental takeover as well, until we got chips in our brains. Life is better now.

  26. Just got back from polling place. Parking lot was absolutely packed, I got the second to last spot.

    Inside was a different story. About 15 people lined up to vote, 14 of them were older than electricity and likely voting for Hillary.

    I don’t understand all the cars in the lot. Where the heck was everyone?

  27. Took an early lunch to vote Trump. But there was huge line, all patient and talking to each other and voting Trump. It was a long wait but a fun one. There was even a teeny elderly woman, had to be over 80 yo walking down the line with a tray of cookies. Not that my vote will matter in a swamped welare blue state.

  28. Good news here in Bluffton, SC! Hub just called and the line is wrapped around the library. We always walk right in. Heavy conservative cracker and black town. Go Trumpsters!

  29. Voted in central NY at 1100 hr., probably the largest crowd I have encountered in 35 years at my polling place.

    I also see that Chicago’s homicides have peaked once again, but don’t you worry. All those dead folks will have their rights protected and they will be voting.
    Gar. Run. Teed.

  30. Trump is gonna pull this off and Comey is gonna become the hero because he didn’t indict the bitch, and therefore Obama can’t pardon her.

    Pray the Rosary for a Trump win, please.

    Because I have no real desire to battle my fellow citizens with firearms in the event of a Clinton win. If I have to do battle my fellow citizens in the event of a Trump win, well, they all had it coming anyways.

    ….and Trump will be on MY side.

  31. Loved watching the MSDM this morning. They are choking on the slim possibility that Trump could beat their anointed candidate. They have such a staked deck of commentators that they all believe their own offal. I’m watching Fox Business Channel all day.

  32. When I was in line there were some “kids” behind me. Kids used to be under 18 now it’s what, under 40? Anyway, they said, we’re with ya sista, we got your back. I said oh good then you’re voting for trump. I told them that I can’t pay for my own kids to go to college and save for my retirement because I have to pay for my neighbors kids to go to college. And you all want college for free, but you know who came up with the middle class has to pay for their kids? Bush, the guy you hate. But you sure love that. Well I paid for my own college, because it’s what you did. My parents paid their dues, they owed me a life until I was 18, and it included care and love, it didn’t include I’ll live on the street so you don’t have bills. Are you selfish brats going to take care of your parents or just demand from them, come on, have my back. And IF you’ get a job, how happy will you be paying for someone else?

  33. A few minutes ago In Vancleave Mississippi, some woman was taking pictures outside of voting building, someone in the line shouted at her that she had to be 300 feet from the building, hell she was nearly at the front door, she gave everyone a disgusted look, and left. I followed her and was going to get her license plate, but she made a quick exit. What the hell was that all about?

  34. I read the polls and I still have my doubts.

    How is it possible that 7% of Americans are so retarded, so fukkin stupid, to even consider voting for that moron Johnson? AND stupid enough to be willing to say so, out loud!

    it wobbles the mind …

    izlamo delenda est …

  35. “How is it possible that 7% of Americans are so retarded, so fukkin stupid, to even consider voting for that moron Johnson? AND stupid enough to be willing to say so, out loud!”


  36. @Flip, thumbs up for NE Ohio. I am not a drinker but have 4 6-packs of Great Lakes and bottle of white zinfandel so I may start tonight. Long story short – won a raffle package, wheeled Coleman cooler loaded with beer, wine, cheese, chips, nuts, pretzels, salsa. Someone has to consume mass quantities.

    Will be voting in Buzzard Twp is about an hour.
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
    Pray early and often.

  37. Just voted in San Diego. No line but more crowded than I can ever remember it being at the time I go. Ballot was 2 pages front and back with all the damn propositions and local measures. All I care about is voting Trump, yes on a stadium for the Chargers and no on a sales tax increase.

  38. Ahhhh! Woke up early to a blue-skied, crisp fall day in Latte Land. Can see both the Cascade and Olympic ranges perfectly. Everything is pure potential today!

    Filled out my ballot along side Geoff C. The Saltine over coffee. He’ll drop them off in Ballard at the Library. Will be interesting to hear if there are any lines for drop off there. I miss going to our tucked-away precinct at UPS, where you run into neighbors and are greeted by the same poll workers every election. We’ve got to do something to ensure absolute integrity in our voting.

    Here’s a quaint Irish prayer that came to me this morning:

    “May those who love us, love us; and those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we’ll know them by their limping.”

  39. “How is it possible that 7% of Americans are so retarded, so fukkin stupid, to even consider voting for that moron Johnson? AND stupid enough to be willing to say so, out loud!”

    Potheads, all they care about is that their needs are met. So long as they get their beer, pot and cigarettes they are not real concerned about anything else.

  40. Another proposal.

    Since this thread will continue to grow and grow and grow as the day unfolds, perhaps a new open election thread should be started once every few hours.
    9pm EST

    Just a thought.

  41. I early voted last Tuesday.

    When my fiancee’ gets home from work I’m driving her over to our local voting precinct. She HATES Clinton. Voting for Trump. Thought his “GHBTP” comment was old locker-room bragadoccio and didn’t let it sway her thinking.

    We are wearing red shirts today to show we are red state voters.

  42. I voted for Trump this morning. I live in a progtard neighborhood, so we’ll see what happens. Voter turnout there was larger than I’ve seen before, tho. I am encouraged by reports of huge voter turnout that I’ve seen in other places.

  43. as for my drink of choice tonight, it’s going to be beer. Otherwise, if I drink bourbon it’ll just make me angry drunk and cause me to start yelling & throwing shit at the TV in response to the ongoing massive voter fraud by the Democrat Party.

  44. JDhasty; “How is it possible that 7% of Americans are so retarded, so fukkin stupid, to even consider voting for that moron Johnson? AND stupid enough to be willing to say so, out loud!”

    Change that to hillary and 57% and it works too.

  45. You still have the better logo for Trump – Pence BFH.
    I voted last week, there was a line then! Drove past the school where I normally vote at 20 mins past opening this am, it has a fairly large (300 or so) parking lot (it’s an elementary school), cars were waiting for a parking spot.
    Go DJT!

  46. This is VERY, VERY scary. If Trump loses, free America is over. The supreme court is lost. Rinos in congress will give her majesty complete control.
    Hllary KNOWS she can get away with ANYTHING!

  47. A friend in CA just sent me photos her 8 year old son’s teacher posted – she had them fill out a pick the Pres ballot and surprise the entire class picked Hillary (probably will be turned into a friendly Dem pollster to be counted). He also came home and told her Hillary is going to win and was wearing a sticker he had to color that said I voted for Hillary. I told her I’d have that teacher in a choke hold if that was my kid. I told her to send him to school tomorrow w/a Make America Great Again if he wins.

  48. For 46 years I’ve been voting in my little Hamlet in Rockland Co. NY.
    Today I voted at 11.30 am and for the first time ever I had to wait in line. It took about 1/2 hour. I noticed a few Trump/Pence bumper stickers in the parking lot. Quite a few Duluth shirts and Blue Jeans on line, “deplorable” types. Lots of women also. I’ll guess advantage Trump. But hey. you never know.


    @Dadof4 — Give them a call and tell them what you saw.

    From the Trump Campaign last night:

    “Just a reminder that if you encounter any problems casting a ballot or if you witness any disruptions at a polling location please call our Voter Assistance Hotline (844) 332-2016. You can also report any of these incidents online at https://www.donaldjtrump.com/landing/election-issue

    Team Trump Pence

    Stay vigilant Trumpsters!

  50. “A friend in CA just sent me photos her 8 year old son’s teacher posted”

    Not so fast. State reports are very low Dem turn out, huge Deplorable turn out. A lot of Mex that are voting for Trump. I’m not stupid enough to predict Trumps going to take this Liberal Cesspool, but I’ll bet the numbers sure aren’t what they expect. Affluent areas seem to be pretty casual with their vote. Poorer areas want JOBS and are motivated. Reports from KSFO are “a sea of red shirts” at some of these polling places.

  51. My neighbors physically can’t walk into the polling place. When I voted I asked if I could drive them to near the door and have a poll worker come out to the car, with paper ballots. The answer was YES IT BEING DONE. That’s great.
    Also, our polling place is using all paper ballots. No machines in sight. The ballot is pushed through a machine that records the votes.

  52. My parents report from central Ohio (Columbus) in their inner city neighborhood: Dad said while they waited in line 5 carloads of African Americans showed up,each car had 4-6 people in it, and they loudly lined up to vote. Their chatter was for Hillary. Dad quietly talked to an elderly African American gentleman at the bake sale table and the man was voting for Trump.

    I dropped my ballot off Saturday. I hate this mail in/drop off ballot business in WA state. Odd sunny warm day here like @Abigail said- an unexpected surprise?




  54. Illustr8r, AA,

    I don’t remember ever (been here since ’99) having a sunny election day in western Wa. Bright dang sunny.

    I dropped my ballot off Sunday and I too hate the mail in/drop off ballot bull.

  55. There were 5 or 6 houses in my neighborhood that were ballsy enough to display a Trump/Pence sign in their yard. They were ALL MISSING on my way to the Piggly Wiggly last night. All their local support signs were still there. So depressing, and so petty.


  56. I voted at noon. There wad a decent crowd. My township is one of the most Republican in Illinois. Turnout is always high. I expect it will be higher than the past two elections.

  57. I was actually surprised, i was in and out of the voting place faster than a trip to the local McDonald’s.. while in the booth, I kept thinking to myself “Drain The Swamp”.. So, basically i rejected everyone who is currently holding a position in favor of their replacement.. It’s time for change and it started with me.. and I feel good about it..

  58. Reportedly, large numbers of Hispanic voters in Florida have shown up. Who knows how many are Cuban and how many are Puerto Rican? Florida could be very close. Supposedly, lots of Rust Belt true believers are turning out for Trump. North Carolina looks likely to go red. Michigan and Ohio may be the key states. It’s too easy to get caught up in my own desire to see the Republicans kick the daylights out of the Clintons to stay open minded. I remember feeling certain that Romney was going to put paid to Obama. Hopefully, the last four years will get out the voters who can change things.

  59. 2 democrats stumping outside my polling place and i was the only person in there voting. Southern Maryland, doesn’t look like any other time i voted. They changed from electronic machines to paper ballots with nothing to show who you voted for after it got scanned.

  60. I live on the coast close to Half Moon Bay Should be called Half Moonbat!), Commiefornia. I haven’t seen ONE Shrillary sign this entire election cycle; not even today. I have seen a few Trump signs and so far no one has stolen them. I wonder whi the libtards around here are voting for

  61. I think that are going to witness another beating like when Reagan thumped Carter. How about when Obama wupped McCain? Perhaps one of those elections that we can only read about. Maybe Roosevelt beating Hoover?

  62. The silence is deafening. Weren’t they already calling the last election in the afternoon for a lot of states? I hope she is getting her ass whooped and the media is pretending there is no data yet.

  63. It’s chaotic in the Triangle (central) North Carolina. Some of the precincts are experiencing computer system crashes. Could it be…The Russians? sarc-
    I voted today in a leftist wasteland – Hellary signs dominate. Still, I believe Trump will be triumphant and will be the next President of the United States.

  64. I won’t go to Fox, CNN, or any of the other biased tv/web sites.
    I want trustworthy news.
    Please suggest some decent websites (aside from this one, of course 😊) where I can keep up with what is going on tonight. TIA

  65. Bad Brad – I saw that too! LMAO. I’d love to shake that guy’s hand and buy him a beer. For one thing, I’d know he’s a smart guy cuz he left the Democrat plantation. I’ll bet we’d have a great time, good conversatiopn and become fast friends.

    Breitbart is the shiznit!

  66. I was #477 at my polling place at 12.30 today here in Western SD which is a tad high. Rapid City is full of Air Force plus thousands of retired military so voting and flying a flag is almost a requirement. I would expect over 1200 vote at my polling station.
    SD is so red that if 80% of Republicans stayed home hillary would still lose.

  67. Whoa whoa whoa.
    What’s with the sudden pessimism here?

    Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

    Ladies and gentlemen by 11pm EST we’ll all be doing naked backflips. Selfies not necessary.

  68. Geoff C. The Saltine just called to say that the drop off lines at the Ballard (over a bridge and north of DT Seattle) library was swamped. Unusually, there were two voting officials with Ballot Boxes taking ballots like a drive-through and there was a Washington State Patrolman (not a city cop) overseeing the traffic and the proceedings. Folks, we’re talking about a generally quiet, urban neighborhood with shops and restaurants outside the city core. Traffic is always a nuisance but not usually near the library and we’ve never had to have election people or law enforcement on hand. Huge turnout! My hope is that with the very recent campus and millennial trend to Trump (lots of apartments and city dwellers), as well as “Old Seattle” (those crazy Norsemen and their tribes out in Snoose Junction) they are turning out in droves for a change election. I can’t imagine what else would account for the very large lines today. New Seattle is too smug in their belief that all King County is blue to turn out like this.

  69. Have to be realistic. This could be the election that turns everything on its head. Trump could lose Florida and still win the election. Demography is destiny. Cubans used to be solidly Republican. The third generation are less inclined to stay in line. Waiting for the rest of the state. Got to have a real turn out to be back the Hispanic Clintonistas.

  70. Lebanon County Pennsylvania – Because of a “calibration error” five machines switched straight Rep votes to straight Dem. Voters noticed before committing their ballots, say the officials, who of course were in no position to know if any voters walked away without noticing anything wrong (shame on them!).

    Has anybody heard of any instances of “calibration errors” or any other kind of error that resulted in machines switching Dem votes to Rep? I haven’t noticed any at all.

  71. Drudge Headlines,


    They had AZ as a toss up last time I checked. This is good.

  72. YUGE and ENTHUSIASTIC turnout at my polling place in New York’s Hudson Valley (rural-ish area about 60 miles north of Manhattan). Had to search for parking & wait on line to get in. The place is usually pretty dead on election day. Biggest crowd I’ve seen in the 20 years I have lived here – exponentially bigger than I have ever seen. People, young and old, in Trump shirts all over town. Trump-positive chatter in the grocery store. Glorious day for me, The Lil Resisters, and other fellow patriots in my neighborhood. New York voted twice for Reagan, and Donald Trump is one of OURS, so remember that.

  73. I voted on 10/18 because there’s no way I can handle standing in line a long time if the polls are as busy as I think they’ll be.

    My daughter voted in northern Virginia this morning. In 2012 the line was incredibly long–took her a couple hours. Today she was in and out in 15 minutes. I’m hoping that’s an indication that disenchanted Dems are staying home in droves.

  74. Trump was just on the Savage Nation – he sounded very subdued and not very encouraging. Said it will be interesting and a good night for TV but none of the we are going to win. I think it is over and they know it.

  75. Just got home. Left work early so I can watch what I hope is a major celebration for Trump. When I took my 8 year old with me to vote this morning. I read the choices to her and she gave the same answer that I would have voted (we talk often about what is going on in the world). She said: “Daddy why are you voting for those people?”. I said I am voting for Light over darkness.

  76. @Loco and Anon
    You guys are killing me.
    No more Eeyore for awhile.
    Maybe Trump is tired after campaigning like a mad man this past week. He’s on Hannity right now and he doesn’t sound that “low energy.”

  77. Voted in our NE Ohio burg. It wasn’t busy right after lunch. The workers said it was busy at opening through 8:00AM. The crush, such as it is for usual 1,200 to 1,800 who vote, begins around 3:30.
    A lot of women in red and men with red caps.

    Went to eat late lunch and sat by a table full of Millennials. These guys all had Trump hats.

  78. “Some reporters claiming low voter turnout in…Cleveland. That’s good – Cleveland is a Democrat stronghold. I don’t mind lower turnout in major cities.”

    Don’t you fret. They are just rolling out of bed now. They will be voting.

  79. It is said that “Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is lifelong” …
    That may explain why certain people voted for Obama TWICE. Ignorance is only a lack of knowledge, but the real crime (and penalty) of being stupid is the inability to LEARN >….. and here we are folks!!!

  80. I’d appreciate some suggestions about what TV network to put on – muted of course – to watch exit polls and projections. I’m too lazy to go through all the candidates, so I’m looking for where they have the best graphics interrupted the least by close-ups of empty though still talking heads.


  81. Website of local television station in left wing Tallahassee website on line poll shows Trump at around 54+ % and Hillary around 35%.
    Not scientific, but, if liberal Tallahassee and Leon County go this way, wait until it kicks in at the panhandle in the CST where we have Tyndall AFB, Elgin AFB, Pensacola NAS, and a lot of patriotic conservatives.
    They split Congressional Dist 2 and rerouted the crazy Congressional District 5 (from snaking along I4 Jacksonville to Orlando area to snaking along I10 from Jacksonville to Tallahassee). Unfortunately, we inherited Corene (Go Gatas) Brown. However, things are looking up there as she was trounced by Al Lawson in the primary. We voted for Glo Smith (republican), but even if Al Lawson gets it, the intelligence level went up. The redistricted 2 has Neal Dunn as a possible R+1. Gwen Graham, who rode in two years ago on daddy’s coat tails is gone. However, she may use the one term in Congress, along with daddy’s coattails to run for governor or senator.

  82. In our small rural precinct southwest of Akron I was #445 to vote at 430 PM. The highest number I’ve ever seen there was in the mid-100s. A poll worker believed the precinct would easily pass over 500. That has to be at or above 80% participation. Lots of Trump signs here. The H signs are in the cities.

  83. Ed Rollins with Lou Dobbs talking large turnout result of Hillary ground game. Michael Goodman says he was running as independent.
    They are piling into Trump for not running traditional race.

  84. A coworker who is from MA and is very liberal was bashing Trump all year, making stupid anti Trump comments every chance he could.
    He voted this morning. When asked for who, he said he just couldn’t vote for that evil bitch and he pulled the lever for Trump!

  85. Flip, thanks for raising a glass to your fellow Ohioans. I am a Trump campaign poll observer and as soon as the polls close and the ballots are delivered to the Board of Elections, I’ll be raising a glass to you all as well — it’ll be vodka, probably in a large flower vase, full to the brim.

  86. “Ed Rollins with Lou Dobbs talking large turnout result of Hillary ground game.”

    The problem for the last year and a half is everyone tries to judge Trump and his campaign based on conventional standards. He isn’t a conventional candidate. If HRC couldn’t even get a crowd to a rally without major star power how is her ground game going to draw out millions more than Obama?

  87. ““Ed Rollins with Lou Dobbs talking large turnout result of Hillary ground game.””

    I heard someone compare Trumps strategy to that of the old whistle stop tours and say it was probably a much more effective strategy than Hillary’s ground game. I think I heard that on Cavuto. These people can”t make up their minds.

  88. Brad – they’re all whistling out their asses. I turned them all off, especially since I can’t take any more of the Hillary video clips. All I want is a remake of the Nuremberg trials where Bill and Hill are fitted for nooses.

  89. Just back from voting. Voted the straight Republican ticket, just like every other time in my life. Voted against every judge, every amendment, every damned tax increase. Opening something wet to imbibe. It’s all up to the people now, and if they don’t elect Trump they are inflicting a grevious wound on our country, the stupid bastards.

  90. Watching Lou Dobbs on FNC, I figure they will be the best channel to watch tonight. Even though I think Ga and SC will go Trump’s way, I’m glad they aren’t rushing to call everything after 1% of the tally. Good start in Florida, need the Panhandle folks to pour it on in the next 45 mins.

  91. Meaningless coincidence but the Asuza St. Mission is where extreme pentecostal/charismatic insanity started in the U.S. back in the very late 1800s-early 1900s. Charismania then spread through various strains of protestantism and eventually jumped to Catholics in the ’60s. It has since formed one of the strongest glues of the emerging one world ecumenical church that will usher in worship of Antichrist.

    An example of what can go on there…


    Sorry for the distraction.

  92. My grandaughters school in California was also used as a voting site today. This afternoon an active shooter was loose and she was locked down during classes. She is OK, no children injured but others shot. Put things in perspective really quick. Now I see all the phony ballots are being counted in Florida…shit day all around.

  93. The race is so tight. I hate the stress.

    Tried to sedate myself with the wife’s chili and cornbread. Didn’t achieve the desired state. May need to up the meds with brownie ala mode to do the job.

  94. Keep praying with all your petitions to Christ. Pray through and His will be done. Father, please have mercy on us poor sinners who have no reason to deserve anything.


  95. Regardless how big the crowds were, I have been pessimistic and possessed of a bad gut about his chances for months. I hope you all get to laugh at me tomorrow morning and tell me how wrong I was. I do pray about this very much but so many in this nation have turned their backs on Him.

  96. We all knew in our gut how it would likely go down. The Left knows we won’t go out into to the streets with ropes and pitchforks for them, so there was no reason in their darkened minds NOT to steal this. And it looks like they are stealing it as I watch the numbers coming in from NC, where I live.

  97. Why is there a demographic for ‘Educated voters” and one for ‘Minorities’?….seems kind of insulting and racist…And then throw in the one about the’Uneducated White women, or educated White women’….These smarmy talking heads need to be gone…

  98. I’m not watching TV ’till 9 pm. by then is should be over. I’ll watch Levintv for a while and go to bed. I just removed my Trump/Pence sign from the lawn I will say a prayer that Donald Trump wins. Nothing more I can do.

  99. CBSN’s Scott Pelle just posed with the highly intelligent look of taking off his glasses and nibbling at the earpiece…..I think he might actually shit himself when Trump wins Florida…

  100. @ Illustr8r. no way am I taking my BP right now. It’s usally 120/73 but not tonight. Just took one of the husband’s stomach acid pills.

    Medina County OH appears to be heading for a massive Republican sweep including the ousting of 2 D’s who have been in office 28+ years. We’re usually red but have had some D’s in office for decades.
    Portman and Renacci have twice the votes of their no name D opponents.

    Overwhelming Trump vote here.

  101. North Carolina could be “code blue”. Praying for a miracle. Trump, McCory, and Burr are squeaking past their leftist challengers. Hope the momentum for Trump and the NC Republicans continues.
    BTW, it’s fun watching the elite media implode in a ball of confusion.

  102. I have had to endure several days of liberal Trump-hate at work. I’m fairly high up in the chain of command, but if my politics were known, I’d be relegated to cleaning the toilets.

    I have only one co-worker that I have been able to talk with about politics. He hates Obummer and Killary as much as I do.

    I SOOOO much want to walk into work tomorrow and smile at him. No need to say anything, but I just might start laughing – until I cry with relief.

    Please, God. Let me smile tomorrow.

  103. https://vote.ohio.gov/

    Ohio county by county refreshed every 3 minutes.

    Metro counties – Cuyahoga, Summit, Stark, Lucas, Hamilton, Franklin

    Interesting- Lorain Cty the vote appears evely split. The county has a large Puerto Rican Population most of whom lost their manufacturing jobs. Some Mex-American population also. Traditionally been blue.

  104. @Claudia… amen, I would lose my job if my coworkers, all liberal, knew my politics. I planned to work from home tomorrow to avoid the gloating lunacy but now I think I may need to stay home to avoid gloating!

  105. Looking at early returns, Clinton is leading in PA and Iowa. But the NY freakin’ Times is projecting Trump wins those two states. Yowsa. I have to keep remembering to breathe.

  106. TV’s off. Radio’s off. Surfing all my bookmarks.

    Is it just me or does the whole frickin 4th Estate need to get off the planet? I can’t stand local news talking heads any more, either.

  107. @sig94 – I think we all understand you were talking about Dirty Laundry blondes, not the lovely normal blonde, as in

    We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
    Who comes on at five
    She can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
    It’s interesting when people die
    Give us dirty laundry

    Can we film the operation?
    Is the head dead yet?
    You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
    Get the widow on the set!
    We need dirty laundry

    – Don Henley & Danny Kortchmar

  108. Heh heh … Comey is selling his house in exclusive Westport, CT. It was up for $3.2 million and now down to $2.5 mill. He is bailing out – probably also for Qatar – with the FBI baying at his heels.

  109. It was the Twinkies and the corn bread.
    No happy dance tonight.

    Stock market futures down 3%, DOW Ind Ave down 680+ , Asian markets down as it became apparent that Trump was winning.
    Screw ’em. They’ll get back to ripping us off eventually.

  110. @Lazlo:

    Man, Its like going over the top on a roller coaster.

    Hah! You nailed, my friend, that’s a wonderful way of putting it! For me, it is specifically like going over the top on a roller coaster when you’re riding in the last car. You go WHOOOOOSH! just before you realize that’s coming.

  111. Oh here we go on MSNBC, they are going nuts that if Clinton loses, its Gary Johnson’s fault. Maddog saying his votes are the difference in Florida as if every Johnson vote was siphoned off Clinton. Funny watching her and Chrissy Mathews arguing right now. Going to start calling her blinky as she is blinking very rapidly right now.

  112. Finally I’ll sleep well.

    Thanks to everyone at the IOTWR. Thing got pretty testy here over the last 2 years, including some being temporarily barred

    We all wanted the same thing:stop Hillary. Mission accomplished!

  113. For once I agree with, at least part, of what noted whale and movie producer, Michael Moore. This is a big F You to the establishment politicians, the main stream media and the vast majority of the entertainment industry. Now the smartest thing he can do is slap the RINO’s around for a bit and stop their elitist bullshit. The Washington bureaucracy should be very worried.

  114. On Comedy Central some guy just said that Trump successfully blended Barry Goldwater’s ultraconservative views with George Wallace’s racist views to win. And we wonder why ignorant Americans think Clinton is the better candidate.
    Comedy Central should’ve stuck with its original plan to air old episodes of South Park.

  115. For you NeverTrumpers and Hitlery voters!:

    …………./…./ / 
    ..”…\………. _.·´ 

  116. ╔════╗──────────────╔═══╗╔═══╗╔╗╔═══╗─╔╗╔╗╔╗
    ───────────────║║ President – Congress – Senate

  117. If we pull this out (yes, “we,” I voted for Trump this morning), the ONE THING I want him to do first is get up in the face of Ryan, Turtle and the other squish elites and tell them they had best not oppose him, else he’ll denounce them on TV to the American people by naming names. Or something like that.

  118. The first new business created under President Trump should be a pole, tar and feather assembly located next to Congress. The business will be owned, operated and controlled by the people. You know the rest.

  119. If not for Hillary’s vote fraud, this election would have been called an hour ago. Time to overhaul the entire election system, complete with verifiable receipts indicating how you voted. Every ballot should have finger prints. Todays democrats would never win another election.

  120. Dear Mr. President and your supporters,
    I would like to apologize for Virginia and our crooked governor.
    There are 13 electoral votes you deserve. And my vote for you deserves to be counted –not negated by the governor’s autopen giving voting rights to TENS of thousands of felons.
    Anyone interested in a class action suit in Virginia?
    Not only did Gov. McAuliffe not review each case of felon’s voting rights he reinstated, I’m betting he didn’t run the autopen. That’s the sort of task you hand to people like me who worked the autopen in the ad agency for the CEO’s of our client companies.
    I don’t expect my governor to hand power of attorney –and power to cancel my vote– to office staff.
    Someday there will be a woman president and I hope it will be one who does not cheat and steal her way into office.
    Yay Trump! He wins in spite of that cheating woman!

  121. If you have some money to invest there is a ton to be made in the coming few months. As a cousin who is an investor says, expect high volatility and about a 10% drop in the next couple of weeks, as the market panics because it thinks Trump is bad for America. And then watch for steady growth as the market starts to recognize the benefits of having a businessman in the White House.

  122. IronyCurtain, you are getting your wish. Turn on the Javits Center and start your recorder.
    From foxnews.com —
    After a confident beginning to the night, scenes are very somber now at Clinton’s NYC election night party at the Javits center.

    “Fox News’ Serafin Gomez reports that after people had been seen crying, supporters In the audience are full out sobbing. People have also started leaving although many are still remaining to support their candidate.”

  123. I can’t stop watching the NY feed. It’s bizarrely compelling how these people won’t leave. The looks on some of the women’s faces has to be the same as some of the mothers as Jim Jones was stirring the kool aid barrels…they KNOW what’s coming but they can’t leave their Master.

  124. @oolook
    Yes, I was watching it on FoxBusiness. A beautiful site because it is something these smug elites can’t even conceive of. Like Pauleen Kael’s famous, “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”

  125. The Hillary mafia appears to planning on going into Al Gore mode to challenge election results in one or more states. Perhaps pinning their hope for victory on Justice Roberts who saved ObamaNoCare for them.

  126. If Trump prevails will we be rid of Karl Rove?
    There is some speculation that DJT may call Paul Ryan to tell him, You’re Fired.
    It would be a smart move to deliver the same message to Mitch McConnell. IMO.

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