Electoral College – Why We Need It – IOTW Report

Electoral College – Why We Need It

Kevin Sorbo

Our Forefathers had it right. I have explained this over and over again to people who just don’t get it.

A 39 second Must Read you will want to pass on.

In their infinite wisdom, the United States’ founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet. It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.

Do share this. It needs to be widely known and understood.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

Read the rest here. This is a Facebook post, but you do not need a Facebook account to read this post.

16 Comments on Electoral College – Why We Need It

  1. Communists in the USA want to eliminate the Electoral College and Constitutional Law, of which they are succeeding in doing the latter. Sen. Joe McCarthy was smeared out of politics for wanting to expose and eliminate the 5th Column Communists gaining power in the USA. Separating out political subversives intent on destroying the country they live in should be an enforcement policy followed by all military members and political office holders as is required in oaths they take to uphold the Constitution and to protect and defend America from all enemies, domestic and foreign. As bad as that so-called never-name evil leader has been made out to be, he had the guts to segregate out and isolate those enemies of the State that were intent on assuming the same evil Communist control in that never-name country as was done in Russia under Stalin. Communism is a genocidal, political horror that doesn’t take kindly to dissenters. Just refer to the testimony of Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn.

  2. The Founders safeguarded against power being coalesced within a single branch of government or within the mob.

    They were brilliant, having forethought.

    Progressives possess neither attribute.

  3. The FF were also correct to have each state’s two senators elected by the state’s delegates & not by popular vote of the state’s citizens. It protected the less populated counties and gave them a voice in who their senator would be. If their state delegate didn’t vote for a senator they supported they could vote that delegate out of office. It worked somewhat like the electoral college. With the passage of the 17th Amendment the people in rural counties are stuck with the choice from the large cities in their state. The 17th Amendment needs to be repealed. Does anyone really believe the rural counties of New York want Chuck Shumer as their senator? I don’t think so. But they’re stuck with the choice made by NYC , Albany & Buffalo.

  4. That 319 sq. miles also has the most mentally ill people per square mile in the United States.
    I don’t want mentally ill people running the country.
    No one talks about who these people are, I’m telling you they are insane lefties.

  5. Hillary has been beating the drum about eliminating the EC lately along with her other complaints. What a wretched scowling hag and extremely evil creature she is.

  6. Ok libs lets meet 1/2 way. I’ll give up the electoral college but instead of a popular vote, we’ll do it by counties so everybody in every state has a fair stake in the outcome rather than being decided by major urban centers. 3141 counties, candidate with most counties in their win column takes the Presidency.

    I almost guarantee if somebody did a man on the street interview of college campuses, just about every progressive liberal would agree to that. Because deep down they would be thinking that Hillary won most counties because of her popular vote victory.

  7. This proves it! President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton really does represent New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and Denver. I hope she takes this to the United Nations to right this act of perspicacity on the part of those white, slave owning Founding Fathers.

  8. I’m pretty sure Sorbo’s post is old and bunk. There is a severe twisting of winning and winning% throughout counties. Hillary won more than 57 counties. How, is still beyond me. However it doesn’t take away from the underlying meaning of the EC. C’mon Fur, this thing would be destroyed in any reasonable debate with half way intelligent friends of the blue hue.

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