Elephant Statues Removed From Hollywood Mall Because They Are… Racist – IOTW Report

Elephant Statues Removed From Hollywood Mall Because They Are… Racist

This is beyond absurd.

Once upon a time in Hollywood, a mall erected elephant statues at its entrance which were inspired by the D.W. Griffith movie Intolerance. (Griffith purposely titled this movie as a response to people who condemned Birth of a Nation, his previous movie, as racist. He believed the critics were the intolerant ones.)

The Babylonian motif, and the elephants, all have to go because these motifs are now racist, somehow, because it was the style used in the movie that was the follow-up to a racist movie. You follow?

Variety reports– the new owners of the famous center where the Academy Awards are typically held are removing the elephant statues and “all of the faux Mesopotamian elements” as part of a $100 million makeover.

“This is a real opportunity to move away from the clichés of Hollywood, red velvet ropes and big studios,” Chad Cress, chief creative officer for center co-owners DJM, told the Times. “The Hollywood of the future really needs to stand for something that is more inclusive of what our culture looks like today.”

Personally, I don’t care what anyone does to their own property, but I can offer an opinion while I yawn.

While the country dismantles what the left deems offensive, the people this is supposedly healing are getting that much more racist with every square foot removed.

16 Comments on Elephant Statues Removed From Hollywood Mall Because They Are… Racist

  1. The evil left has already killed off the Indians via Land-O-Lakes, Washington Redskins, and the Cleveland Indians. The wokey whites are the true racists!

  2. Just like the filthy fukkin ragheads, the nazis, and the communists – destruction for the sake of destroying everything that came before.

    “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s hard to keep track of the everything that’s racist. Why don’t they just make a list of the things that AREN’T racist. The list of things that aren’t racist is surely much shorter than the list of things that are racist.

  4. Once upon a time in Hollywood, a mall erected elephant statues at its entrance which were inspired by the D.W. Griffith movie Intolerance.

    [harf! hack! gag! cough!]
    Whoa, that was close… I nearly choked on the irony!

  5. Look, this cancel culture agenda is based on incessant illogical thinking, logical fallacies run amok. It’s long past time to have some kind of coordinated effort, an organization to analyze and deconstruct such illogic, in order to determine exactly how it’s fallacious. The point is to publish each step of the analysis, get everyone acquainted with the logical errors, and how to spot them in the future, so as to treat them with the contempt and ridicule they deserve.

    Instead, we on the right do little more than just point it out, say it’s “insane” or “crazy” or whatever, and leave it at that. IMHO, that’s no way to fight an ideological war. The left controls the language, the logic, and the political discourse… no wonder we’re losing.

  6. ^^^ WE DO. As in how Bfh did in the post. And how any number of people on the Right do on rumble, odysee and the like.

    But you’re hoping the left is going to listen to or read logic. How? They don’t care and they can’t concentrate.

    This is why some on the right are trolling them with memes and videos (etc). It’s quick, spreads a lot further faster and it’s simple enough for the left to understand. You have to remember this is the tiktok generation.

    You have to reel them in with popup books and THEN bust out the John Locke. LOL.

  7. Funny how the lefty lame lib-lobes and hollow-head druggies just fouled India’s ‘elephant’ symbol. Joe the ButtWipe had previously named the fictitious ‘delta’ virus since it’s an established fact he despised people from India, with his claiming that the people of India “all work in dunkin donuts” and created the bogus “delta virus”. His creepy circus clowns recognized his hatred and quickly changed the name to ‘delta’—but not until those who pay attention recall his racist and demeaning commentary.

  8. MJA:
    I’d have to respectfully disagree with you as to whether BFH identifies the logical fallacies inherent in this latest leftist outrage. And by identify, I mean name them explicitly for each step of the mental process leftists are using.

    Regarding memes, while they are both good and necessary, they are not sufficient. For one thing, they’re coming from informal sources that might, or might not, be smart enough and reliable enough to create effective material for each and every encounter with the left.

    Instead, what I’m proposing is a formal think-tank organization whose charter is to use precise logical analysis, to find the common elements of leftist thinking which they constantly abuse. The point is NOT to change their minds, the goal is to educate the rest of us, so that we can effectively counter the left and strangle their insufferable arrogance in the public square.

  9. He kinda did – although, short and quick. Like a meme. But WE get it.
    The left doesn’t because they just won’t. lol

    And if you want to know how to really defeat and explain the left, you read Alinsky’s rules. He tells you everything you need to know about the left and how they operate. Use it against them. It’s a source.

    Think tanks won’t work anymore because people consider large formal groups shady. And a lot of them really are. Sure they start off informative, but then they need your cash, then they want to sell you their books. Then they’re telling you how you need to come hear them speak at ___.

    Aren’t YOU reliable?
    Start a group yourself. Be your own think tank with your family and friends. Don’t wait for someone else, YOU do it. YOU do the research and share.
    It’s more likely to be effective if you are discussing things with people you know/know of, or are friendly with. And then that discussion/idea will be spread out to others by the members. A quick fix will never happen. This is hard work, but it’s the only way.

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