Elizabeth Warren Wants Government Run Pharma Companies – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Wants Government Run Pharma Companies


Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduced legislation on Tuesday that would establish a government-run pharmaceutical manufacturer to effectively compete with the private market.

The Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act seeks to address the increasing prices of prescription drugs by injecting competition into the marketplace, consequently lowering the cost of mass-produced generic drugs. The bill would create the Office of Drug Manufacturing, which would be housed within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Warren said that adding the agency would increase competition.

“In market after market, competition is dying as a handful of giant companies spend millions to rig the rules, insulate themselves from accountability, and line their pockets at the expense of American families,” Warren said in a statement. “The solution here is not to replace markets, but to fix them.”


24 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Wants Government Run Pharma Companies

  1. A true socialist. Government can solve any problem. She needs to haul her ass down to a California DMV right now where the new improved computer network and related software is resulting in an average wait of 6 hours.

  2. Yet one more time in an endless series of some cretin in govt saying, “We’ve gotta DO something – anything – to solve this horrible problem!” when it was the govt that caused the damned problem in the first place.

    If you think drugs are too expensive (they are), the first place to look at is the FDA and its mind-boggling regulations.

  3. Lizzy dear, Russia already has that. So does Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea. So why not make a list of all those life saving pharmaceuticals they’ve developed since 1917? (Hint: The number is in the high ‘zero’ range.) One more thing Liz, how many trillions of dollars have pharmaceutical companies paid out to risk taking, competitive, free market capitalists who successfully developed life saving drugs? That would be those evil pharmaceutical companies that public employee retirements invest in. Whizz brain Liz, you’re spending too much much time with Bernie and occasional cortex.

  4. “…“The solution here is not to replace markets, but to fix them.”

    And that is exactly what she/they would like to do- ‘fix’ them.
    I’ve had a couple of dogs fixed.
    Over 30% of senators and over 20% of representatives are heavily invested in pharmaceuticals and the healthcare industry. They will want to protect those investments, and increase their value. They will work to protect profitable drugs from going generic, so they can fatten their wallets, and throw off the less profitable drugs to the government. It will be a form of pharmaceutical welfare. The wonderful diversity of socialism. The drug companies will produce the drugs while they are highly profitable, but cast them off to the government when they are no longer exclusive and profitable. And the government, meaning the taxpayers, will be responsible for providing them at their new reduced cost. Pig in a poke, it is, being sold by a pig.
    They have a different healthcare insurance arrangement than us, the citizens or electorate, and they make money from that arrangement.
    NO, thank you.
    It would be better to require a drug manufacturer to continue production of a drug after it has entered its generic status, and they have skimmed off their exorbitant profits. As proposed by warren, every drug company will feign opposition to her plan, but they will, behind closed doors, support and lobby for its passage. It will be to their profit and the public’s detriment.

  5. Someone will ‘kick it up a notch,’ and call for nationalizing of the pharmaceutical industry. Things are going to get zany for the left as we get closer to the primary season.
    I don’t think either idea would be good, but if someone were to hold a gun to my head and make me choose one or the other, I’d prefer the later.
    I think warren must work for bayer/monsanto or one of those outfits. This would be such a good deal for any drug maker, and they will try to sell it as a plus for the consumer.
    Their next step will be to gruberize the concept for public consumption

  6. I suppose she appoints herself the boss and sole overseer of the group without any oversight from anyone.

    Wait, wasn’t she fired from that same type of corrupt overreach having to do with banking fines?

    What a commie idiot. She uses the same tactics as illegal aliens. She keeps assaulting the borders of American freedom in order to enrich herself.

    Congress is the biggest Ponzi scam of all time. Or is it BAIT AND SWITCH? Maybe a hybrid scam, perpetuated by congress.

  7. Hmmm … I can’t find any part of the Constitution that permits the Fed to take over “Big Pharma.”

    If she is advocating suspending the Constitution, or ignoring the Constitution, then, as a sitting US Senator, who has sworn to uphold that Constitution, she has broken her oath – thereby committing TREASON.

    Why is she tolerated? Why are Oath-Breakers and Traitors allowed in the House and Senate? Why doesn’t Mitch McConnell move to censure and unseat her?

    Oh … yeah … sorry … what was I thinking … no honor among thieves …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. A fiscally self-sustaining government agency? ‘scuse me while I laff my ass off.

    OTOH, its not really that funny. And my insurance won’t cover the medical costs of sewing my ass back on.

  9. @CC.

    Should we all pitch in to buy and send her a blanket full of typhoid germs? Even better, a case of the cheapest whiskey we can find. Redskins are like Irishmen…can’t hold their liquor. She’ll be drunk as a skunk 1/1024th of the time.


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