Elizabeth Warren’s Response to the Coronavirus… Open Borders – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren’s Response to the Coronavirus… Open Borders

15 Comments on Elizabeth Warren’s Response to the Coronavirus… Open Borders

  1. She’s a bitchy liar like Hillary, Commie like Bernie and dumb as Biden.
    I’m surprised she didn’t steal Butticheeks thunder and come out as gay.
    That’s where it’s going next. She’s going to tell you that she’s had ‘stirrings and feelings’ inside herself about a particular close woman friend, since her husband wouldn’t drink beer with her on camera.
    Weird ass bitch.

  2. On a related note, how come all of the Democrats are complaining that the President didn’t ask for enough? And why did they wait for him to ask?
    Last I looked, the Democrats do have control of the House and they could have put forward the legislation at any time over the past 2 months when the virus started to become a news item. Am I missing something?

  3. When President Trump asked for 2.5 billion for Coronavirus protection, Schmuck Shummer immediately said it wasn’t enough, and said congress should give him 8.5 billion. Schumer thereby gave credence to my first thought when DJT asked for the 2.5; he is setting a trap for the dems. When the coronavirus fizzles out, he will use the unspent funds on the border fence.

  4. And this vile, ignorant shrew actually thinks a bill like this has any chance to pass Trump’s desk? Why do these clowns think it’s alright to waste the people’s time and money with political trash?

  5. If the Coronavirus hits Mexico you’re going to see a run on the border like nothing ever seen before as they will want to have access to our medical capabilities. We need that wall finished sooner than later and plans drawn up for a quick military response to the border to boost our border security.

  6. Sickening how this is being used to bring down the market and force us into a recession and their answer is to open the border and mock the guy trying to make sure it isn’t an issue.

  7. I’ve spent a lot of time surrounded by walls. Never once have any of them spewed racist rhetoric. If I visit the border wall I have a feeling that wall won’t do such a thing either. Must be a “smart wall” that recognizes my white privilege???


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