EMAILS: Clinton Sought Pentagon, State Dept Contracts for Chelsea’s BFF – IOTW Report

EMAILS: Clinton Sought Pentagon, State Dept Contracts for Chelsea’s BFF

ABW: In the Clinton email releases, this juicy bit of ethical misconduct has come to light. The emails reveal Hillary arranging for Chelsea”s friend, Jaqueline Newmyer, to get in inside line for Pentagon and State Department consulting. Now cronyism is not illegal, just the appearance of favoritism. That is what this looks like. This is another smoking gun that will be disposed of by the DOJ.

         As Written By Bill Gertz for the Free Beacon: 

Pentagon think tank paid millions for reports on ‘warlike Americans,’ future Japan nuclear forces.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations.

Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with Pentagon officials that involved contracting discussions, according to emails from Clinton’s private server made public recently by the State Department. Clinton also tried to help Deal win a contract for consulting work with the State Department’s director of policy planning, according to the emails.

Deal is a close friend of Chelsea Clinton, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Emails between the two were included among the thousands recovered from a private email server used by the secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Chelsea Clinton has described Deal as her best friend. Both Clintons attended Deal’s 2011 wedding.

Government cronyism, or the use of senior positions to help family friends, is not illegal. However, the practice appears to violate federal ethics rules that prohibit partiality, or creating the appearance of conflicts of interest.  MORE

9 Comments on EMAILS: Clinton Sought Pentagon, State Dept Contracts for Chelsea’s BFF

  1. Won’t chance a damned thing. The Clintons are going to skate past all of this. Everything. If she gets elected, Hillary Clinton is going to be trying to govern a country with fifty percent of the population convinced that she is the most dishonest person ever to occupy the White House. The scandals will never go away. Every mistake she ever made as Secretary of State will come back to haunt her term as President. The financial catastrophe that is lurking around the world’s banking system will collapse around her administration. ISIS will continue to cause murder and mayhem throughout the Middle East and Europe. Russia will shove that reset button up her ugly rump, and China is going to push her to the brink of another medical retreat from her full time job. The Iranians are going to teach her why she never should have sold out Israel, and the North Koreans are going to remind her that her philandering husband should not have trusted the crazy bastards in the first place. At the end of her second year in office, sixty percent of the country is going to wish she had never gotten back in the White House. Other than that, Hillary Clinton will be remembered as the first woman elected President of the United States of America.

  2. More unsurprisingly bad behavior.
    After so long time dedicated to
    political chicanery our noses are
    numbed to the stench. I thought that
    even a skunk has only so much stink.
    But not them. Not them.

  3. As long as congrOss (misspelled on purpose) allows the criminal behavior to not only continue, but accelerate , America is lost. Obama has continuously broken law, and encouraged his administration to do so, also. He has offered the umbrella of his office to all criminal behavior. He has denigrated America every chance he could. He has also stifled naysayers in illegal ways.

    Obama, his department heads, White House staff and the Clinton Mafia shit all over the place and insist on rubbing our noses in it!

    The government’s criminal behavior is lauded and as Obama lets criminals out of jail, and GITMO, encourages ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, AND UNVETTED REFUGEES to gorge themselves on the American people, while stealing taxpayer funds to enrich themselves, America will continue its descent.

    Electing Hilary will be a crime against humanity.

  4. I want to say, So what?’ But that is exactly what they want. Flooding and flaunting their criminal activities is part of their game plan. What are we going to do about it?

  5. Marco — I’d like to applaud you as a soothsayer but the writing is so clearly on the wall, isn’t it. We simply cannot have Hillary Clinton as our next president. The most shocking part is that it was never supposed to matter that much who the president was — balance of gov’t branch power and all…

  6. AbigailAdams, I’m voting for Trump/Pence. Every Republican I know is voting for them. Not a single Democrat that I know is switching over. It’s beyond my cranial capacity to comprehend how anyone can overlook her corrupt incompetence. If she is elected, Hillary will be the female James Buchanan of our country, and most educated people know how that ended.

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