Emerald Robinson Solves the Epstein-Maxwell Mystery – IOTW Report

Emerald Robinson Solves the Epstein-Maxwell Mystery

The Right Way (substack)

Are you still wondering what Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were really doing? That’s really no surprise because the corporate media has inundated us with headlines about the “mystery” of their activities. We’ve been told countless times that Epstein’s ultimate secrets died with him, and that the public will “never know” what was “really going on.” You’ve been groomed, essentially, to believe that figuring out Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is akin to unraveling the secrets of King Tut’s tomb or discovering the lost city of Atlantis.

If you’ve fallen for this misdirection, don’t despair. The truth has always been hiding in plain sight. There’s actually no mystery. It’s not very hard to figure out. It’s just the case that our corrupt elites in government and media are very interested in obscuring the truth. Allow me to explain it with four clues that still “stick out” through all the smoke and mirrors. More

19 Comments on Emerald Robinson Solves the Epstein-Maxwell Mystery

  1. Nobody wants to hear that the U.S. intelligence community was protecting a man running a global pedophile sex trafficking ring in plain sight. That would raise too many uncomfortable questions about how many American politicians had been totally compromised over the years — and who controlled them.

    Emerald Robinson doesn’t want to hear that Emerald Robinson is retarded. It’s in plain sight. Not even hiding.

    The United States government is covering for independent (not even)pædos? That’s going to be a scandal? Well beyond puberty slatterns, doing what they do for free, in a more opulent environment? Well we never!?

    Not killing United States citizens? Not killing children for the United States Propaganda Departments live feeds? Not declaring war on Americans?

    Jeffrey Epstein ran a United States government perq. Just like Camp David. Just like the Congressional gyms. No secret. Of course. But no scandal. Except the fake “outrage” of professional better wannabes.

  2. The author thinks they have figured something special out here? Phaw.. They still also think/assume it was simply about getting dirt on the rich and powerful.. Ok fine, on the surface. But deeper within it is even much worse than that.

    Here’s one for dear author- why is the “temple” on the island decorated in the fashion it is, ala ancient times? Does this assist somehow in getting dirt on the rich and famous? No.. Keep thinking

  3. The sex tapes were used to make the victim
    to what ever when ever the CIA told them to do.
    #2 NO ONE could get away with blackmailing millionaires
    and billionaires and royalty$$$ without CIA/FBI/NAVAL
    INTEL and backup…… You would get disappeared
    real quick if you even tried.HaHaHa !!!

  4. I think the lesson here is that if you deal with the Devil, the temporal gains may be enormous but you eventually end up in Hell.
    The FedGov (particularly CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, USCP, FPS, SS, &c. – all the Gestapo-like agencies) is on Satan’s Plantation.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Doesn’t make sense to me. Why would the CIA try to compromise almost all liberal icons with this ring and yet not anyone on the Right. Elites on the Right hold no special morals they are men with faults like you and me. And by compromising one side of the political aisle wouldn’t that give fodder to the Right to go after them for political gain? No, this analysis just makes no sense

  6. In the immortal words of that great Uighur, “Ho Lee Shiite”.

    Doesn’t make sense to me. Why would the CIA try to compromise almost all liberal icons with this ring and yet not anyone on the Right.

    Maybe the Company really is the good guy.

  7. Convicting Jizzlane Maxwell but not releasing the straight/homosexual/bicentennial paedophile files & photos?? C’MON MAN!!!

    Every time a city uncovers a prostitution ring it ALWAYS includes a list of the “Johns”, the customers fucking the prostitutes. It’s designed to shame the Johns and prevent future johns.

    So sealing the records? I call bullshit. The fix is in.

  8. “Is there nothing left in this country that hasn’t been tainted by corruption, scandal, and greed?”

    Yes. The migratory waterfowl.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Tim – FJB JANUARY 9, 2022 AT 2:58 PM

    Hate to burst your bubble, but the “Duck Stamp” design parameters had now been changed to be “more inclusive.” So they’re even finding ways to “F” that up.

    Have an incomplete set with most all the early ones and thinking I might stop buying the damn things every year. Blind center in the dominate eye so no more long guns and haven’t hunted for a number of years now. To lazy to teach myself to shoot the long guns left handed. Pistols with the left eye no problem.

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