Endangered Species Condoms – IOTW Report

Endangered Species Condoms

The Center for Biological Diversity is handing out condoms to college students this year with a message begging them to be careful and not overpopulate the planet any further.


“This year alone, over 50,000 condoms were distributed by students.”


College students are still having sex? Who knew?


12 Comments on Endangered Species Condoms

  1. At the end of the day who cares what they print on the condoms as long as it prevents a visit to Planned Parenthood. Besides, they’re handing them out to college students and once the sexual congress permission paperwork is out of the way I’m pretty sure they won’t be reading the labels.

  2. I’m so disappointed. I’ve waited all day and still no expression of offended-ness from anyone! What is this country coming to?? Not a single person is offended by this? Sheesh.

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