Enemedia Very Concerned With This Photo – IOTW Report

Enemedia Very Concerned With This Photo

Do you know why?

38 Comments on Enemedia Very Concerned With This Photo

  1. Notice the little red Russian spy with a communication device and the presidential seal emblazoned in the vehicle.
    Obviously a pay back to the ruskies.

    OK no.

    What are the obamatwats up to now? Do I even want to know?

  2. The Trump Family in the Presidential Limousine without the President, violating some obscure code meant only for the non-Left, non-Liberal, non-Socialist, non-Commie side…?

  3. If they are, so I am. Of course I’ll have to wait until they tell me why, but until then, I shall remain very concerned, with a little of indignation as well, just in case we need to start a riot.

  4. Whale oil beef hooked!
    Hell of a research job on car seats by CNN.
    CNN should have their researchers research Obama’s college records.
    Or the wire tapping of Trumps phones!
    I’m curious to find out their results.

  5. @MJA – how is it that every socialist owns Apple products although that company is among the ‘greediest’ (by profit margin) and most profitable, and keeps most of its cash overseas due to US tax law? What is up with that?

  6. Irony (n.) People who think it’s a woman’s right to take a child’s life while it’s in the womb suddenly knotting their knickers over children not being in a child’s car seat.

    BTW: Not all car booster seats are designed the same. Some are designed to tastefully match the existing upholstery in luxury automobiles (which is the case here).

  7. I agree with LCD – the car is not moving, no belts required
    And if the driver compartment is on the left then the backward facing limo seats have the same effect as child seats, preventing seat belt injuries and whiplash

  8. The kids are safe in the battle cruiser. Let the enema-media go douche themselves.

    President Trump is right, we are so tired of whining. That’s what he was saying, right?

  9. Because it’s costing money to have the Secret Service protect them. They’ve recently gotten very cost conscious about that. Flying Obama’s dog Bo in his own private jet wouldn’t be an issue.

  10. I was in one of those stretch limos once in Florida. Once was enough. There was about 14 of us in it going to a golf course. Thank God it was a short trip because I was about to have a claustrophobic attack. There were no seat belts that I recall, so I think CNN is sort of phucked up with their stupid phuckin’ research.
    Which is par for the course, as usual.

  11. Let’s see….what’s wrong with photo…Ahhhh, I know! There are no protesters jumping up and down on the limo. Apparently Trump has not given them enough room to destroy.

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