Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction – IOTW Report

Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction

This must pain the NY Times that they have to write this.

It must pain the NeverTrump haters, also, that constantly remind us of how bad Trump is as Trump goes down every conservative’s wish list, trying to make things happen.

If it isn’t getting done, don’t blame Trump, blame the idiot senators and congressman that, coincidentally, NeverTrumpers favor. (Funny how that works, isn’t it? Are you catching on to what a RINO is, yet?)

NY Times-

WASHINGTON — The United States Army Corps of Engineers has begun preliminary preparations for the construction of segments of a wall in several places along the border with Mexico, the Department of Homeland Security said on Tuesday.

Engineers are drilling and taking soil samples to determine what type of barriers would be most effective in the different types of geography along the border, said David Lapan, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security.

The drilling and soil testing are taking place in El Paso; Santa Teresa, N.M.; Calexico, Calif.; San Diego; and the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. Mr. Lapan said the testing has been completed in El Paso and Calexico. The agency has identified the San Diego area and the Rio Grande Valley as priority regions for new border walls.

The drilling and testing come as Customs and Border Protection, the parent agency of the Border Patrol, continues to evaluate dozens of proposals that have been submitted by vendors for designs for a border wall.

President Trump mandated construction of the wall in an executive order in January. In March, the Department of Homeland Security put out a call for prototypes of a “physically imposing” and “aesthetically pleasing” border wall. The structure would also be designed to prevent climbing and tunneling.


Stay calm. Trump is the president.

ht/ C. Steven Tucker


9 Comments on Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction

  1. He never stops fixing! I love it as much as I hated obolo never stopping the destruction.
    It would be a nice touch if in addition to solar panels covering the wall the winning design had small wind turbines on the posts. Bonus tweak.

  2. According to Anti-Trumpers the wall was suppose to be up by now. 6 months into a Presidency and clowns think Trump is now suppose to defy the impossible.
    My answer to all these assholes, “get back to me in 2020”.

  3. @All Too Much–he is about to lose one that he already has in place. I love President DJT but I love Jeff Sessions more. The President said in an interview tonight that if he had know Sessions was going to recuse himself, he would have appointed someone else. I bet Sessions will resign.
    Also John McCain has brain cancer.

  4. I hear you, BFH. Trump was sitting at his desk this week with a pen ready to sign into law a FULL REPEAL of Obamacare. Just sitting there waiting to sign it into law. And the wimpy, spineless GOP senate/congress just stood around with their hands in their pockets and did nothing. What a joke. All the Ezra Goldbergs, Ben Shapiros and Glenn Becks of the world need to apologize to Trump. He’s the most conservative Preaident since Reagan. He gave us Neal Gorsuch, got us out of the Climate Accord (that would been a tax) and on Obamacare he was wide open in the endzone waiting for the ball and the GOP punted. Repealing O-care would have ENDED the democrat party. Think about the economic rebound-jobs, growth, wages increasing. What a freaking travesty.

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