USA Today Movie Reviewer Bemoans That Historical Based Motion Picture Lacks Diversity – IOTW Report

USA Today Movie Reviewer Bemoans That Historical Based Motion Picture Lacks Diversity

Seriously, these people need public depantsing, in a pillory, while smart people, ones that have avoided indoctrination (AKA: stupidification) point and laugh.


Dunkirk is a great movie but there aren’t enough “women” or “people of color” in it, according to a review in USA Today.

The movie – with a cast including Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, and former One Direction singer Harry Styles – has been given a slew of five-star reviews for its vivid, nail-biting depiction of the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk in 1940.

But though USA Today’s reviewer praised it too, he couldn’t resist giving it a little rap on the knuckles about its shameful lack of diversity and equality:

The trio of timelines can be jarring as you figure out how they all fit, and the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way.

Yes, it’s true that Dunkirk’s leading roles are indeed dominated by white European males.

But one possible reason for this is that Dunkirk was an actual historical event which director Christopher Nolan has gone to considerable trouble to recreate as accurately as possible.

Sure it might have provided valuable comic relief if Amy Schumer or Rebel Wilson – or perhaps even both – had been cast as, say, two brilliant battlefield surgeons who insisted on staying behind with the troops when all their male counterparts had fled.

Also, it would definitely have added a new dimension had James Earl Jones been cast as the salty old Royal Naval officer called out of retirement for one last trip across the English Channel, or if/


ht/ annie

Here is the writer, and dunce, Brian Truitt.



36 Comments on USA Today Movie Reviewer Bemoans That Historical Based Motion Picture Lacks Diversity

  1. I agree with Brian from USA Today. But, I had the same complaint about “Schindler’s List”.
    It rubbed me the wrong way there were no Asians in “Saving Private Ryan”.
    I am off-put that there are no male inmates in “Orange is the New Black”.

  2. What about the gay soldiers leaving behind their lovers or the transgendered Royal Marine who is losing it’s whole wardrobe?

    Not there? O the pathos. The horror. Sadly real history is not diverse nor is it politically and socially correct. It’s only those morons who want a “black spiderman” that are arse-holes.

  3. Read that yesterday and was dumbfounded by the idiocy. Of course, If revisionisn’t virtue signalers can turn Alexander Hamilton into a black man than anything goes.

    I can’t wait to see the film. It’s supposed to be 100 degrees plus here on Saturday. Perfect excuse for a matinee.

  4. There was lots of diversity at Dunkirk, Englishmen, Canadians, Frenchmen, Polaks etc. fighting against the Germans (Nazis), but the wrong kind of politically correct diversity so much in fashion nowadays. I am looking forward to this movie particularly if it’s historically accurate. Have heard there are great reviews of it so far.

  5. Ha! Makes me think of that prosecutor in “My Cousin Vinny”, explaining the origins of American legal code to a jury made up, by half, of Mississippi blacks: “Brought to us from England by our little ol’ ancestors.”

    These people are not smart. It’s no wonder at all they go for the epithet after a minute of arguing their side. What else can they do, admit they are dummies? I wish they would, it would be so endearing.

  6. @Geoff the Ant Eater (because it’s easier to type):-)

    I’ve heard good things about the film but it’s supposed to be incredibly graphic and I don’t think I can watch it. The depiction in Mrs. Miniver is about my speed.

  7. @Geoff — I agree. I just can’t watch it. I once fainted at the vets because my cat had to have his head shaved for stitches. LOL

    I saw one slasher film by accident at the base theater in Japan. Watching someone have their head drilled stays with you forever.

  8. Sick of all this drummed up diversity horse shit. Have no problem with folks from around the world who’ve come here as long as they contribute more than they take from society. If a special cupcake doesn’t get enough diversity, tough shit. Cut a hole in your pocket, fill it fulla change, then walk into a gay bar in San Francisco. Leave the rest of us alone, ya whiney dip shit.

  9. I think Ken Burns and PBS are redressing the imbalance. I read an article today about how his telling of the Vietnam war is in the hopper. Gah! You can be sure there will be an overabundance of “diversity”, fighting and dying for white America. Someone please put a fork in me — I’m done!

  10. 🔰 Liberal Version of Dunkirk 🔰

    Scene: Fleeing and evacuating.

    *Tranny in high-heals
    *Gay men in speedos and rainbow boas
    *Disabled in electric wheelchairs
    *Wire-haired tattooed lesbo carrying her lover
    *Black 6-star General
    *7′ Chinese female evacuation officer
    *Cowardly white soldiers shitting themselves
    *Environmentalist pushing turtles back out to sea
    *Black-clad weirdos holding protest signs
    *Activist collecting guns to burn before allowed to enter ships
    *Breast-feeding women wading out into the water.
    *Everyone stops in silent awe as soldiers listen and gather round to her a 35 minute soliloquy by Keith Olbermann on the dangers of white male right-wing extremism.

  11. Keep in mind that the media is now overwhelmingly populated by “Brain Dead” Truitts.
    This is the beyond parody, yet conventional and accepted mindset among these nests of fools.

  12. “But every place I’ve ever been, every place I’ve ever wanted to go, has transvestites of color and paraplegic lesbians. That’s the real world. The whole, entire, real world. Without The Russians.”

  13. In the movie “Independence Day” I had no problem seeing aliens invade Earth. When I saw the Black hooker was driving a truck leading a group of men and women who find and rescue the First Lady, my suspension of disbelief had too much.

  14. There were Asian’s at the Little Big Horn. They were American Indians who were all descendants of the supposed Asian’s who migrated across the Bering Straits from Russia to what became America. They just didn’t know it at the time. So there! Fixed it for you, it’s as good an explanation as any other.

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