England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims – IOTW Report

England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims

Racist Britain

ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on England Bans Its Own Flag to Avoid Offending Muslims

  1. The liberals have started this in this country, also. Damn globlists! Flying of state flags is under attack, if Confederate symbol is displayed. That’s how progressives work, one chip at a time.

    And people still wonder why Trump is leading the pack! We are sick and tired of it.

  2. http://freedomoutpost.com/pedophiles-the-next-protected-minority-group/

    Case in point 3: British children are being kidnapped by Muslim men for exploitation as child prostitutes and sex slaves. I say “British children” as opposed to “children in Britain” because these louts apparently prefer white kids. Law enforcement has been hampered in its efforts to stop this practice because prosecuting these crimes entails revealing the perpetrators as Muslims. The disgustingly liberal British government, which now includes plenty of Muslims, maintains that this is “racist.”

  3. It’s not that they prefer white kids, it’s that they commit no religious crime if anything sub-human is done to a non Muslim. I’d call them pigs, but I do not like degenerating pigs, in comparison.

  4. Winston Churchill weeps! And so do I for a once great country where some of my ancestors escaped from religious persecution back in the early 1600’s. Now they’re facing religious persecution far worse than my ancestors did. Where are they going to go now if they just give up, roll over and die and let the muzzies take over? Time to get some of the old British (Scottish and Irish) fighting spirit back and kick these barbarians out before it’s too late. NEVER GIVE IN! EVER!

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