“Environmentalist” Who Peed In Public is SUING TRUMP – IOTW Report

“Environmentalist” Who Peed In Public is SUING TRUMP

An nutball is suing Trump after course employees videoed her peeing outside near Trump’s course because now she is too emotionally scarred to ever pee outside again.

Public urination is illegal.

Crazy lady’s Story HERE

14 Comments on “Environmentalist” Who Peed In Public is SUING TRUMP

  1. How dumb. Where were the employees when they video-ed her? If it was obvious, then throw the lawsuit out. If they snuck up on her in order to get the shot, then give her the money. She probably won’t repeat the offense.

  2. You find a large tree with low hanging branches and pee there.
    Or you make a statement and pee in the bushes where people will see you; she is anti Trump and wants to make a statement.
    Never eat berries below 5 feet on a golf course, they have all been giving a golden shower. Yes, I Golf and I know.
    How many years have people been peeing out side…forever.
    Thank God this did not happen to her.

  3. Don’t know what the law is in Scotland, but around these parts there is no assumption of privacy in a public place. If I was the golf course, I would publish the photos on the internet, with their names.

  4. Oh the poor dear. I didn’t see anything about her paying the greens fee.

    And nothing is more exciting than seeing a 62 year old hoohaw squatting in the tall grass.

    STOOPID on stilts.

  5. This whole thing is silly.
    Recording a pissing 60ish woman your phone is silly.
    Siccing the cops on the pisser is silly.
    Suing the recorders and their employer is silly.

    They ought to have this out at Chuck E. Cheese, not a courtroom.

  6. The idiocy and stupidity of this outlandish lawsuit is merely a tiny peek at the ignorant and moronic attempt to belittle Trump by the nefarious, unscrupulous and demonic asswipes that want to forever dictate to the rest of us Americans how to live our lives.

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