Epic – IOTW Report


All the uploading of life’s moments on the internet brings us this exchange between an Uber driver and his customer who apparently expects drive up service at her destination.

So far there has been no information on where this took place or the parties involved.  Somebody here won’t be using Uber again, I just can’t decide which one.  Watch

20 Comments on Epic

  1. I would have driven to the police station. Let her film herself being arrested.
    Or driven to farm country and found the first beehive and put it in the back seat beside her, then locked her in.
    Or drive through the car wash with all the windows down.
    Or test out my speakers listening to Trump’s speeches at full volume
    Or drive to the hood and try to sell her off to the first pimp I see
    Or drive to the Reservation and pick up dubious looking hitch hikers
    Or go buy a goat and let it ride in the back with her
    Or drive to the Nursery and pick up ten or eleven bags of steer manure for my gardening projects at home.
    Or pick up fifty bags of Ice
    Or go to the Pet Store and buy 20

  2. (cont.) …20 mice and 200 crickets. Oops they got out.
    Or just start driving, buy some snacks, offer her some, and drive until she gets bored and has to pee and ditch her by the side of the road.

  3. If I was an Uber driver, I would go on Amazon and buy an in-car surveillance camera system and have signs inside the car that it was under surveillance and being live-streamed to offsite storage. It would go a long way towards backing up the driver in a He Said-She Said situation AND keeping most assholes from trying anything stupid like this bint did.

  4. BTW – I’m in the midst of starting up a Southern version of Uber. I’m going to call it gUBER(tm).

    Anyone want to crowdfund it?

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