Epstein Victim Found Dead after Testifying against Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell – IOTW Report

Epstein Victim Found Dead after Testifying against Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell

Slay News: A victim of deceased trafficker Jeffrey Epstein has tragically died after she spoke out to testify against Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Carolyn Andriano’s testimony was crucial in convicting Maxwell, Epstein’s accomplice, on sex trafficking charges.

Earlier this year, Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for her role in Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.

She also testified in support of fellow Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s rape allegations against Britain’s Prince Andrew.

However, Andriano, a former model, was found dead in a West Palm Beach hotel earlier this year, according to a new report from The Daily Beast.

There was no funeral or obituary and her death went unreported in the media until now. more

14 Comments on Epstein Victim Found Dead after Testifying against Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell

  1. “The way Groenert sees it, some things about her daughter’s overdose don’t make sense, and she wants cops WHO WERE IN ON THE COVER UP to investigate further ALTHOUGH THEY WILL JUST REPEAT WHAT THEY SAID IN THEIR INITAL COVER UP AND MAYBE MARK MOM FOR DEATH TOO.

  2. Yes, the child prostitution racket that had baby pros but NO JOHNS. No other half of the prostitution paradigm, no receivers of this service from hell. None, even the big dummy who doesn’t sweat got over on the deal though mommy did bar him from all official functions in the family.

    Much like Kennedy murdering the girl at the creek up Chappaquiddick way these decades ago, these were just white trash townie girls with no connections, money or power, looking to have a good time and get next to the wealth and power nearly every woman craves.

    This teaches the current crop to keep their mouths shut, for talking at least.


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