Epstein’s Home Movies – IOTW Report

Epstein’s Home Movies

Zero Hedge

In late 2019, Jeffrey Epstein victim Maria Farmer alleged that the deceased pedophile had a “media room” on the first floor where high-profile johns were allegedly recorded having sex with women and children.

“So if you’re facing the house, there’s a window on the right that’s barred – that’s the room, the ‘media room’ is what he called it,” Farmer said. “And so there was a door that looked like an invisible door with all this limestone and everything and you push it and you go in and I saw all the cameras.”

Maria said: “What it was – was like old televisions basically, like stacked.

“They were monitors inside this cabinet and there were men sitting here and I looked on the cameras and I saw toilet, toilet, bed, bed, toilet, bed.

“And I was like I’m never going to use the restroom here and I am never going to sleep here.” –The Sun More

10 Comments on Epstein’s Home Movies

  1. If all of that video was released to the public, I don’t think it would make any real difference any more. It might get a few republicans removed from office, but would have absolutely no effect on the democraps.

  2. Guess that explains why the spook agencies are getting away with murder.

    Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffett, all the Billionaires and most of the Millionaires, that hobo-looking guy, all the leading honchos in the House and Senate, Biden, Obola, the Clintons, the Bushes, Roberts, Wall St. movers and shakers, owners of “news” outlets – all of em having sex with children – or killing children.

    We tried to trade Liberty for Security and got neither.

    Just a crying shame that there isn’t a single LEO in the country who took his oath seriously.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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